What's your Favorite Deck?

But… Setsuki ult! How could anything be a better way of cashing in MoLaC than that?

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also a 8/9 swift strike hero sounds terrifying, then again, everything sounds terrifying after you apply an active MoLaC to it.


Yeah - has anyone ever seen a game where the response to MoLaC getting activated wasn’t an instant concession? I haven’t. 1-cost 6/6s in your starting deck are kind of hard to beat in themselves.

I guess it might happen if the MoLaC players has single-figure base health and the opponent is playing something like Blood or Fire. But even then the health probably needs to be as low as 2 or 3.

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Me neither.

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Actually, the obvious time not to is when you have Nature Reclaims in your next hand. Or, even better, Assimilate! (But surely no-one techs MoLaC against future?)


It wasn’t too bad, but teching for the Tech I phase was sometimes awkward as P1. None of the heroes are particularly good defensively (with Arg probably the best because of tokens and cheap levels), and the only Tech I unit that costs 1 is Galina Glimmer, who I didn’t want to use much because I wasn’t using the green starter. If you can get Setsuki to maxband and build Growth Tech II/Lab, activating MoLaC becomes essentially instant, and Present Tech II is a great fallback plan. Geiger can do tricky things too, but I personally found it hard to keep him alive.

I can’t actually find the post where this combo was suggested, but rest assured that I didn’t think of it. If you want to see some play of it, I tested it against @robinz in this thread. More recently I’ve been testing [Anarchy]/Strength/Growth out, and it feels like it accomplishes similar goals with a bit more reliability.

@mysticjuicer, I loved using Setsuki to get MoLaC active, but it requires her to live and be max level, which is hard if you don’t have Rook to hide behind. :wink:

I’ve seen an fully functional Peace engine stand up to MoLC for 3+ turns. Peace can constantly suicide and replay its units for more runes, and gets to draw answers on-demand. It was a slugfest, about even until the tech IIIs came out.

Was that play-by-post or IRL? I’d be interested in seeing who won.

That’s why I always play 2x Might of Leaf and Claw on the same turn. Plus 5/5 is okay… But plus 10/10, now we’re talking. :wink: But seriously if the opponent has upgrade removal, that’s the only time I have seen them soldier on after activation.


I really like the idea of Law + Disease (was the main reason I liked the deck in the OP) but I don’t know what to pair with them.

I like the combo because Law has a lot of good counters to units and Disease can deal with scary heroes. It gives it some effective counters to different stuff. I like Blue in general but outside of Free Speech I don’t get how to effectively use Quince and his spec.

The next deck I want to try is [Law],Peace,Disease. Law for strong unit counters, the hilarious fun of Community Service, and Blue lock down. Disease to fight heroes by killing them, discarding spells (which subs in for a semi Free Speech), give Blue a 3/3 for 2 (what madness), and another generally solid tech II choice. Disease also gives a strong tech I recipient of insurance runes (Plague Spitter). Peace gives the deck an offense hero (something really lacking in the OP deck), the very valuable 2/2 for 0 in multi-color, and all the other stuff Peace does.

The main downside to the deck is token units are at an extreme minimum. It has the dream combo of making the opponent discard 5 cards though. That would be pretty sweet.

Is there a third spec that would be better/more interesting to combine with Law and Disease?

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Have you tried [Finesse], Disease, Law?

Neutral starter works really well with Disease, to bloom Orpal to make him more combat efficient, and to wither opponents, and lots of cheap units to sacrifice for midband.

The benefits there might outweigh those of the Blue starter.

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[Bashing]/Present/Law is going to be the thing I play for a while, I think. The more I think about it the more synergy there is in it, I feel like.

But… But that doesn’t have Rook in it?! #mystictraitor :wink:


What’s the synergy here? Present and Bashing’s straight forward but diverse units combined with Law spells to counter your opponent’s plans?

Now! and Trojan Duck?

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Here’s his previous posts about it. I might have to try it at some point myself…


Bashing almost doesn’t get played at all, to be honest. The Neutral starter is the most important part of Troq for this build.

The main highlights are:

  • Geiger and Bigby are both cheap to level and, with Bloom, very reasonable combat heroes
  • Argonaut + Geiger Max is often a two-for-one pre-Tech II
  • Argonaut + Bigby midband is reasonable for attempting to hit a critical hero or unit
  • Present Tech II + Injunction is monstrous and can happen off an empty board
  • Bigby gives you an emergency board clear if the game gets hairy at Tech II
  • Bigby can use Jurisdiction to cast Temporal Distortion if Geiger gets killed
  • Bigby means you can keep the Hyperion or Tricycloid you Temporal Distortion’d for the next turn

I’d recommend using Finesse over Bashing. Nimble Fencer is nice to have, and has good synergies with Present such as with Geiger’s maxband for another attack with haste or with Temporal Distortion. Additionally, Finesse Tech 2 works well with Geiger, and River has some good spells of her own.

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I don’t see a world where I would pass over Present Tech II with this build, and if I’m doing that, I don’t really have room to tech River spells. Now, I haven’t played this against Black, and I could see it struggle against Doom Grasp and Sacrifice the weak, in which case going for Finesse instead might be better. Hmm.

If you arent actually using troq, I bet you would be hard pressed to find a matchup that justifies troq over river in that deck.

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My counterpoint would be “…but I’m not using River either” but that’s really because I haven’t played against a broad set of builds. I’ll probably swap Troq out for River just as a preemptive change against Necromancy.