[Tournament] Yomi Crunch Time II

Hey, we’re going to try something different this time, to hopefully ease the TO load: tournaments via Discord!

So, if you want to play in this tournament, head over to Sirlin Games Unofficial Tournaments, and click the :arrow_forward: under the Yomi Crunch Time II announcement, and you should be signed up.

The tournament bracket will be hosted in Challonge, here: Yomi Crunch Time II - Challonge

@Nopethebard will be co-TOing this one with me

Yomi Crunch Time II


  • Double elimination
  • Best of 7 (first player to win 4 games wins the match)
  • Fast timer
  • Double KO is a win for both players, unless it would cause one player to win the match. In that case, it counts as a win for the player not on match-point. If both players are on match-point, then replay the game.
  • Matches will be played at least weekly!
  • No EX characters
  • Match Pick Rules
    • Standard Counterpick: Double-blind for first match, losing player may choose to switch characters.

I just pinned the message that you need to react to on discord to sign up in the #general channel.

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Just noticed that the Double-KO rules have changed back. Was this intentional? Or is the intention that we stick to “A double K.O. results in a replay, with no win or loss to either player,” as stated in the IYL rules?

I prefer the Double-KO rules as posted (as they keep the match moving forward, without leading to a win off a double-ko).

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