[Tournament] NFTT round 7! Second last chance!

Welcome to Neiguttens Fast Timer Tournament Series Round 7

The Bracket is here: http://challonge.com/NFTT7

Tournament starting time will be This and will last until it is finished. You should not participate if you don’t think you will be able to finish competing.

Time Estimates

Due to the fact that the tournament doesn’t require signups, I can’t predict how long the tournament will last, but each round can last for up to 30 minutes maximum but should most likely only take somewhere around 15-20 minutes. This means that an 8 players will be done somewhere in the ballpark of 2,5 hours or 3 hours, if we assume bathroom breaks and such. A 16 person bracket will take around 3.5 to 4 hours.

Format: Double-Elimination
Timer: Fast
Set Length: Best of 3 / First to 2
Double KOs: Counts as a WIN for both players, which means that both need to stick with their character.
Prize: A paypal giftcard worth 20$ for first place, and a 10$ paypal giftcard for second place.

Sign up: I will start accepting signups 30 minutes before the tournament starts, show up in the game lobby, holla at me to make sure I enter you into the bracket. Signup will be closed 5 minutes before the tournament starts. Please try to be in the lobby 30 minutes before, so that I don’t get a rush of people wanting to be added right before signups closes.

Rules: Please read through the rules. Also, community feedback is essential for making the rules fair. So if there are rules I havent thought of, or rules that are overreaching for what it should be, let me know.

NFTT: Each tournament will be seeded based on participants previous performance, using Capcom Protour points system for Tier two tournaments. In november, the top 8 players who has the most points total will be invited to a tournament, where they will be playing for 100$. More information about that here.


In. Gotta fight for those top8


That worldtimebuddy link isn’t working for me. I’ll try again when I get home.

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Whoa, this thing is super early compared to last time.

Gotta improve my score if I’m going to stand a chance. In.


Meow, meow meow meow. Meow.


Maddeningly, my girlfriend booked me to accompany her to see a play that night. Damn prior commitments screwing over my Yomi time.


I’ll win in your honor.


Damn girlfriends wanting to spend time…


Unfortunately I’ll be camping that weekend. Good luck to the participants!

awwww :frowning:


my fight moneyyyyyyyy


in in in !
and looking the actual partecipants…maybe I can get 4th place points ! :grin:

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People people people! Calling out contestants!

@Fluffiness, @FourLiberties, @Niijima-san, @Zejety, @BD_Corro, @Shax, @Fusxfaranto, @Attilian, @mysticjuicer, @Caralad

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@SouthpawHare, @MR75, @MysticDeadman, @deluks917, @CocktailsCOmic, @sturmhammerfaust, @Phrawger, @Shax’s sister, @FaceOnMars, @RoyalLance

@Copper8642, @GutterOwl, @Twenty-Seven, @Flooffiness, @Corbeau, @mydrothers, @flagrantangles, @kraetyz, @Leontes, @nightcapd (shyne)

@Bob199, @CKR, @KenkakuKnight, @sharpobject, @volcanya, @wampuh, @Fivec, @Legion, @snoc, @biohazard-26

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You are all hereby summoned to be reminded that you all have points in the Neiguttens Fast Timer Tournament, and that there is still a chance to qualify for the top 8!

Those who do end up qualifying to the top 8 are invited to play for the sweet sweet prize of 200$, so this is the second to last time you will be able to qualify to fight for those sweet sweet monitas.

So to you, and of course, to anyone else not mentioned and willing to play, show up and get those poitns! :smiley:

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I’m tentatively in. I’m actually only available for about 2.5 hours from the start time. So, whether or not I can play for the duration is dependent on the number of entrants.


Yeah sure, I plan on playing. I have it marked down on my calendar already, but thanks for the reminder.

It’s on the Saturday after next, yes?

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2 a.m. ftl 哭哭