ArthurWynne vs @Zejety I sat with known TPoS for most of the game, but Zejety was without fear and I could never land it. Died rich. As if to compensate I had a starting hand with two aces and normal draw into the third on turn 1. Insane draws continued, and this game did not take very long. Lots of back-and-forth in the early and midgame, until I powered up for TPoS and dodged into a blue burst with it. Somehow managed to claw my way back into it and won a last-turn 50/50 after a lengthy and tense battle. Game of the set! No huge blowouts, but Grave got early combat wins and continued to draw well, giving me a very comfortable position that I was able to ride to victory.
Landing TPOS is how you win this matchup If you don’t land TPOS it’s a grind and you lose this matchup Menelker disruption does rude things to Persephone. Oh and the damage too Classic situation in this mu of threatening Qs but running out of dodges so gwen doesn’t mind trading her DP with menelker’s Well timed single aces are OP
Long and competitive set, GGs. Funnily enough, Quince was nowhere to be found because I didn’t want to have to deal with Geiger and we both didn’t want to deal with the mirror.
Round 1 – A pleasant matchup, nothing too noteworthy happens in this game. Argagarg gets a long lasting Bubble Shield, and uses both jokers to stop big damage. Eventually wins.
Round 2 – A much closer game, there’s some great back-and-forth in this game, with both players dealing some decent damage. Lots of Aces and Jokers from both sides, although I manage to block my opponent’s Gold Burst and then not play into a later facedown Joker after my successful dodge (even though it would have been lethal damage). I still end up on my back, but just blocking away Jaina’s dodges until Hex of Murkwood does its work eventually closes it out.
Round 3 – A counterpick which changes the whole match dynamic! I manage to avoid giving Gloria too many combat wins, and do some decent bluffing about how many Aces I’ve actually got in-hand. And this time it’s my opponent calling out my facedown Jokers! Landing a raw Blowfish Spikes helps put Gloria within striking-range of a knockout, and (remembering that my opponent recurred 5 dodge a few rounds earlier), I end up wakeup-throwing with a 10 to close out the round and the match.
GG;WP to my opponent! A 3-0 always looks like a one-sided match, but this was far from it… I was just really lucky that the final round didn’t last a few more turns!
mastrblastr 3 - 1 @SouthpawHare > zane had 5s Js and Ks, the whole matchup depends solely on if he does or doesn’t, and this time I did. < looked like I was going to be perfected but then i fought back, built my hand up and got anarchy in hand while doing some damage… and then got stone walled for 50 to lose > I might have lost the first 6 or 7 reveals it was looking extremely rough as my hand whittled away and his grew massively. I kept focus, really played a wide mixup of options, and successfully defused CMB on two separate occasions before getting the win with my final hand of 22999. > BBB gets to range T1 and deals 45. Oni comes back, gets sent immediately to range first turn back, but gets out immediately and then starts dealing big damage. BBB able to get 4 aces to threaten lethal and loop them but FA dealt with it then some cheeky throws closed it out.
mastrblastr 3 - 1 @Cypher < wow was I stomped here; it didn’t feel close. It felt so bad that I felt obliged to change char despite DG being my pocket CP for grave. I thought long and hard on how I wanted the set to look and finally settled on … > very close game, fell behind early made some hard reads, then defused TPOS after disrespecting it 3 straight turns then using my only dodge on the 4th to escape its lethal raw reveal. > back and forth affair that went down to last combat. the last 3-4 turns were him at 27 me at exactly 10 with a hand of 788joker but I was able to just navigate out of it and find the lethal. > I got a ton of blocks in, maybe successfully blocking 6 times or so. Used BU threat to get damage with big normals and eagle totem and then much later on closed it out with BU after it was more forgotten about.
ArthurWynne vs @vengefulpickle Counters make Lum sad. TPoS finish. Grave had amazing draws. Got wrecked by Creator and Destroyer. Zane got in some good early damage but Troq is just dumb. Also had plenty of dodges.
Turns out that this is not a good matchup for Jaina. I found that I didn’t super need Temporal Distortion in this MU since Jaina loses life to her innate so you can kinda trade until Cycloid becomes real and very threatening.
Staring down double jokers and CMB for a REALLY long time was nervewracking. Especially since my deck had two Qs and 2nd joker near the bottom, I had to play very risky to close this one out. Topdeck degrey in full force, topdeck K blows up my first TPOS but second TPOS lands from a 6 crossup. Had to downback an inordinate amount after going a bit aggressive early. Turns out it was a good call because I ended up blocking gold burst and a lot of attacks. Had the opportunity to counter Js but saved the counters for Healing Spheres so that she can’t get her card draw engine going. Ate S&M to the face at the end but I had enough life to take it.
A quick heads up, folks. I just switched jobs, and haven’t gotten my new development machine up and running AutoTO yet, so, for the moment, all the automated messages are on hold.
Lost a bunch of combats. No chance at a comeback. Complete obliteration Wen’t low cards pretty early but I got the payoff so it was fine. This looked bad for me until I dodged a Maximum Anarchy and punished with TSH. Respect for switching back to Troq in this MU. It payed off after I through out even my worst normals into a non-lethal TD combo that was jokered on top. Then got Warstomped into no-cards. Oops! A weird game of back and forth. Troq got 2 Growths almost immediately, my early Long Ranges never really payed off either. But I snuck in a couple single As (wut?) in the last one as dodge follow-ups and combat reveals since I had no face cards. Dealt the final 10 with dodge into 7. I was also very low HP.