[Tournament] Codex Asynchronous suMmer Swiss 2024 (CAMS24)

I’ll give mono blue a go, could claim to be testing it out with the nerfs around but really just haven’t played with it in a while

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Last attempt: @thehug0naut or @Dreamfire is one of you in? It would be really awesome to at least have 8 players…

It´s quite a while that I worked with those spread-sheets, but I will give it a go with Mono-Purple if I´m not too late.


Awesome, I have read quite a few of your matches but never had a chance to play against you. Welcome back into the round of active players!

Edit: hmmm somehow I am currently not allowed to edit the opening post from my cell phone, but obviously you’re in. Will try it later again, when I’m at a computer.

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According to the rule changes: What does the blue arrow at Vandys midband and at Might of Leaf and Claw mean? Exhaust them? If so: Why exhaust Might of Leaf and Claw?

Yes that’s for exhaust. MolaC then can’t be activated in it’s first round.

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If I,m not too late, I’m also in. Mono Red.


Awesome to see players from the old times to reactivate, welcome back!
The tournament starts tomorrow and there’s still plenty of time for late signups

Could I maybe join as well? I might need a bit of handholding with the scheme everyone uses to annotate turns. Please be patient and I’ll try my best! I’ll use [finesse] / feral / growth.


Of course that’s possible and I’d like to help whenever you have questions. Do you already have the spreadsheet link (you can find it in the opening post)? Then you should familiarize yourself with it.

Now let the games begin!
I hope all of you will have a great time. We currently have 10 participants, late signups will of course be accepted.

As I somehow cannot add another player to the opening post and instead receiving an error 422 I want to share the list of participants here:

Players Deck
@FrozenStorm [Finesse]/Blood/Fire
@Moby_Dick [Fire]/Blood/Demon
@dwarddd monoblue
@James [Demonology]/Strength/Growth
@Bryce_the_Rice [Finesse]/Discipline/Strength
@rathyAro [Feral]/Blood/Truth
@charnel_mouse [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood
@Unity monopurple
@Steve44 monored
@Titania [Finesse]/Feral/Growth

The first round then reads:

  1. [CAMS24] Round1: P1 FrozenStorm [Finesse]/Blood/Fire :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 Unity monopurple
  2. [CAMS24] Round1: P1 James [Demonology]/Strength/Growth :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 Moby_Dick [Fire]/Blood/Demon
  3. [CAMS24] Round1: P1 dwarddd monoblue :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 Steve44 monored
  4. [CAMS24] Round1: P1 rathyAro [Feral]/Blood/Truth :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 Bryce_the_Rice [Finesse]/Discipline/Strength
  5. [CAMS24] Round1: P1 charnel_mouse [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 Titania [Finesse]/Feral/Growth
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I think I need more help to locate the spreadsheet :frowning:. Here’s my current state:

I see a link from you in which the text is “the forum-suggested post generation spreadsheet”. But it doesn’t go to a spreadsheet. It goes to a to thread with a FrozenStorm post from 4 years ago containing a formatted post I can copy-paste for my turns. That formatted post contains sections I’m intended to copy-paste from the mystery spreadsheet. If I scroll up to the top of that thread, there is another post by EricF with a link to a “handy fan-made spreadsheet for tracking your hand/deck/discard contents” pointed at URL http://forums.sirlingames.com/t/codex-tracking-spreadsheets. That link appears to have become invalid in the many years since the post was made.

If tracking this down is too troublesome, I could maybe use FrozenStorm’s copy-paste, do my own deck/hand/discard tracking using my physical Codex set, then fill in those sections manually? I’ve got some games under my metaphorical belt to hope you can trust me that far? Though the output might look less shiny. Let me know what you think.

Edit: I get the same invalid link message when I click your link to my round 1 match. Is this a quirk of the forum software I don’t know involving links in general?

My bad, does this one work for you?

Yep! Now I just have to do the work of figuring out what I’m looking at. There’s a lot here. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

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Those links will be correct once you create the match thread. Just copy and paste the title exactly.

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Thanks! This is all making sense now. Though I’m going to let my opponent go ahead and create it, both because they both have the first move and because I have few enough posts I don’t quite have permission to create a topic yet.


Indeed player 1 is usually creating the thread. If you get used to the excel sheet it is usually quite fast and doing almost everything automatically.

Match started, take as long as you need with the sheet!

(When did detail blocks become so ungainly on here?)

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Also for starters I suggest you to make a new copy of your sheet for every turn. That speeds up the process tremendously in case you do something wrong and have to unwind a turn.

@zango Just confirming that we aren’t selecting our starting hands. If so, why not out of curiosity? I don’t feel attached to the rule, just curious if there was discussion about it.