I have for a long time had a very narrow scope when it comes to competitive gaming, it has been fighting game exclusively. I have played some other games from time to time, but probably since 2010 at least, I have almost ditched the thought of playing other games seriously, and to some extent even casually.
Since I started streaming this year however, things has kinda changed a little. I have started watching different streams to see other type of games, and some of the ideas and rhetoric of the people playing is so out of this world when coming from the fighting game scene.
Two games in particular, Dead By Daylight and Total War: Warhammer.
I have written passionately about Dead By Daylight before, and I still think it is a great game in principle, but I have to agree that the top level play seems to be … slightly off balance. There is this whole system of perks and items that you get randomly between matches. But most of the good players in that game aren’t playing to win, and don’t appreciate when people do play to win. Complaining that certain items that skew the favour of either the killer or the survivor are used instead of accepting it as a feature of the game. (Tho, Angrypug is one of the exceptions)
Yesterday, I was watching the top ranked player in Total War: Warhammer for the first time, while he was playing online. He boldly declared that he was, indeed, the top ranked player in the world. Then took up a spreadsheet of his victories, where he boasted over 300 games with each race and a 70-90% winrate with each of them. Then he enters into online match, and he plays against a big ball of death, where all units are tightly packed in a square formation with some sort of small area of effect booster thing. He is playing the same style, acknowledging “oh yeah? I guess it is my blob against your blob”, and then he promptly precedes to go into a loosing battle and he just concedes and says that is a “boring tactic”. Then he goes into a new game, where the other guy is playing some sort of hit and run stuff, where nothing is really happening for 5 minutes, and he goes on to concede that match again, with some other form of excuse.
So this makes me think, is this common? Are top players scrubs? I know from within the fighting game community there is the whole “ban the testers” thing, and from Playing To Win also says that top players aren’t the best to give balance points as they have a more weighted interest in balancing it in their favour and all that, but we wouldn’t say that Justing Wong, Chris G or Snake Eyes are scrubs.
But … is top level players in other types of games usually scrubs? How do you become a top level player in a game, but end up still being a scrub?