[Series] Monocolor Matchup Madness 1! Sign up today!

Urban didnt win any of our warmup matches with me as blue.

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I have a question. Now i have a series vs @dwarddd, where i often try to tech a T2 card at first tech phase, and i never paid it back. I take a break for a week, and now i think, that it’s very bad play, which confuse series. Since this series will be used for balance talking, i don’t think that it was good idea. What should i do? Can i tech a big cards at first tech phase or not? Should i drop that game in series or nor?

You area allowed to tech whatever you like whenever you like, so i dont see it being that big a deal. That said, if it was a play that was just really bad, i think its fine to ask to start the match over.

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Indeed, the idea is to try and get a good measure for balance in each matchup. That said, mistakes will happen and no two players are perfectly expert in that given matchup, so this is meant to be more of a temperature check on the matchup than some kind of definitive marker of balance.

So if you feel like it was a blatantly bad play and dwardd is down to mulligan the game and try again, go for it, but otherwise don’t sweat it :slight_smile:

Hey guys, is this still taking volunteers? @FrozenStorm I’ve been out of the forum for a while, so I’m looking for any opportunity for some Codex to get back in shape :slight_smile:

We definitely are @bansa! I think Red vs Black and Black vs Purple still need players, is there one you’re interested in? I’ll give a day or two for someone else to volunteer to play either one w/ ya, but if there’s no takers I’ll play the other side of either one

Great! I will take Red or Purple against Black.

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I want to take black since it is my best color. U’re to start!


hey @bolyarich sounds good! I will be red.

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Hey @FrozenStorm I think you convinced to give the forum games a go. Since I want to practice the mono-black deck, I’d be happy to take it on against something else if anyone is interested.

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Welcome @AncientSlumber! The MMM is a bit of a time commitment, so I may suggest posting in the “looking for match” thread first and trying out the play by forum format before signing up for a bunch of warmups + 10 games

You can find that thread here: Post Here if you're looking for a Play by Forum Opponent - #1186 by bansa

That might be a good call, I’ll do that.

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We’ve got Green vs Blue in the books, thanks very much @codexnewb for the very P1-sided affair!

AFAICT only Black vs Purple remains to be played (with White v Blue needing to be finished, @Akiata I’ll have a last call there before we through it back in the pool?)

Anyone interested in playing some Black vs Purple?

Ill take purple in that matchup.

I’ll take the black side, I know I had some really fun games in this matchup in the past (idr if it was with Bob or Jadiel or dreamfire or who, it was awhile back).

I’ll kick off warmups tomorrow!