Rules Questions thread

Is the burying portion of Graveyard a mandatory effect? The wording seems pretty clear that it is, but in this video the player on the left loses a Blackhand Dozer and sends it to the discard instead. They also don’t resolve the “Dies:” ability on Blackhand Dozer, so it might just be an earlier version of the card that never goes to the graveyard?

The mid-band does only trigger if the last time rune is removed by the “remove 1 time rune during upkeep” rule.

I think it’s fair to say that the mid-band could have been worded better (arguably the worst offender in the game in that regard). The fact that Sirlin himself used the “dies from fading” wording in that second quote goes to show that it is very easy to draw the wrong conclusion about this interaction.

Yes, burying in the Graveyard is not optional (otherwise the fact that it overloads at 4 units would never be an issue). Sounds like a mistake in the video.

Ok, will keep that in mind going forward. I can’t go back and re-do my turn from 6 turns ago, but I can re-do the current one… Thanks!

Prynn and Fading need their own entry at the top of this thread. The arguments about Fading and its two subparts are a never ending source of headaches.

Part 1) A unit/hero with Fading loses a time rune during their upkeep. This is a triggering action.
Part 2) A unit/hero with Fading dies if the last time rune is removed. This is a resulting effect from some other triggering action, and does not trigger anything by itself. This status is only checked once, when the last time rune is removed.

In order to “die from Fading,” part 1 must be the triggering action resulting in death. Other things can be the triggering action that removes the last time rune, and those all will still trigger Part 2. Examples of other triggering actions, casting Time Spiral, using Prynn’s Maxband, and Seer’s Arrives ability. These can trigger part 2, but do not count as “dies frm Fading.”


Do you think this is something that could be resolved with better phrasing on the rulings document? I don’t think this affects any cards besides Prynn, and I think the rulings doc is a better place for card-specific clarifications than the FAQ in this thread.

I think the 3rd Prynn ruling is the source of much of the confusion:

If she has exactly two time runes, she CAN use her max level ability to trash a unit. If she does, she then immediately dies from fading, then the trashed unit returns to play.

If instead of “dies from fading”, it said “fades away”, that would help. Even better if the next sentence clarifies that this does not trigger her midband, because she didn’t “die from fading” as defined in the previous ruling.


It IS a frequently asked question… but yes, it could just be clarified in the rulings spreadsheet.

If there are no stealthed units on the board and you have a tower, does it still shoot one thing per turn? What exactly does “that it can see” mean?

The Tower addon has 2 distinct abilities:

  1. Once per turn, it disables all effects of stealth or invisibility. On your own turn, you can decide when to use this power in order to attack or target an invisible thing. On your opponent’s turn, it will automatically force the first invisible or stealthy thing to follow normal patrol zone rules instead of attacking whatever it wants.

  2. Whenever one of your things gets attacked, your Tower deals 1 damage to the attacker (at the same time that the attacker deals damage). The exception are undetected stealthy or invisible attackers past the first one (see ability 1), as far as I understand this bit.


I assume that there are at least slight “counterpick” dynamics in this game in terms of which factions/specs even slightly counter one another(I assume this because that’s the case in most asymmetric games that I’m aware of). If this is in fact the case, it makes me wonder: is there any set order to how people choose what goes in their codex?

Is it just “blind pick”, like both players choose their faction/hero etc secretly and then reveal it simultaneously? For high level play maybe a drafting order would be what I would expect to exist (as in the case in DotA-like games).


(I couldn’t find anything about this in the manual - if it is there and I missed it, apologies.)

Tournament play it’s generally blind pick. For people playing casually, there’s no set rule.

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Drafting isn’t an official part of the game. Years of work went into making a game that specifically does not need drafting. Also, your opponent should never have any say whatsoever what YOU play in any competitive game. That goes against the point of having characters and letting people play the styles they enjoy or the characters they are good at.

If you play a casual game, it should be double blind character selection.

In a tournament, you’re expected to play the same deck the entire tournament. In a fighting game, you can switch if you lose and in Magic the Gathering you can sideboard in cards, but Codex already gives you an absurdly large “sideboard” every time you play. Much bigger than an MtG sideboard. Your three different specs (and 9 different common starts of heroX + specY) should give you enough versatility to deal with whatever. It’s definitely true that some combinations of heroX + specY counter others, and that’s intentional. Though you should have enough in your bag of tricks to deal with what’s thrown at you.

Logistically, it’s also very annoying to support people switching decks (multiple times possibly) during a tournament. So it’s best to not allow it, have the tournament run faster, and have it be more manageable to deal with potential cheaters (though that’s the least of the concerns here).


That is fantastic, and I strongly agree on both points. Thanks for the answer!

By default, I should assume effects stack – right? Like, Might of Leaf and Claw would stack with itself if you got two of them going? Two Grounded Guides would give a double bonus to the field? Hotter Fire explicitly says it stacks with itself. A few cards go out of their way to say they don’t stack with themselves in certain ways, so I’m guessing the default answer is ‘yes’, but since in a lot of games the default answer is ‘no’, I can’t help but ask to be sure.

Chameleon Lizzo says, “At end of turn, return Chameleon Lizzo to his owner’s hand.” Is that after the draw phase or before?

A number of cards say you take control of an opposing unit. How does that work exactly? I think that you move them to your side of the board and treat them like a card you just played, with arrival fatigue, but they keep their damage, haste works as if you just played them, and they have your buffs not your opponents. Since Kidnapping specifies control for just one turn, I think the default is to control the unit until it dies, and then it goes into the other player’s discard pile. And I suspect you do not get their arrival effect. Have I got all of that right?

Do buildings get arrival fatigue?

Flying units flying over anti-air patrollers take damage from them, which makes sense, but does that work the other way around? Does a unit running under a flying patroller take damage? It seems logical that it would, but nothing I can find says that it does or doesn’t, and I kind of suspect that if it worked that way, something would mention it.

Are the detection abilities of the tower on your turn and on your opponent’s turn drawing from the same action pool or separate ones? The rules read just as well under both of these interpretations: I can detect one thing at will with my tower on my turn and independent of that, it negates the stealth/invisibility of the first thing that attacks me between turns, one action limit on each of those —or— I can detect one thing at will with my tower on my turn and it stays detected until my next ready phase, so can’t sneak around patrollers, but other things might, and if I’ve done that, the tower doesn’t do its autodetect thing between turns, but if it does do that thing, the thing it autodetected stays visible until . . . Okay I’m just lost on this. Help. :slight_smile:

This is more procedural than rules, but – there are a few things the rules don’t say how to denote, which I still need help remembering. The big one is arrival fatigue. With enough units on the board, it’s easy to forget exactly which ones just showed up and which ones are exhausted and which ones are ready to go. Exhausted is sideways, but what do you all do for fatigue? Do put the cards in a special area or tilt them diagonally or something like that?

I’m also having trouble with heroes dying. I like putting them face down to show they can’t be summoned, but I kind of need something with two ticks because I want to get them closer to ready along with all the other stuff during the ready phase, but they actually have to go through two ready phases. What happens to me is, my opponent kills my hero and I put it face down, and then I get to my ready phase and I’m like, “No, don’t put it face up, it just died, leave it face down to remind you not to summon it.” But then my next turn comes along and I’m like, “Did he die last turn? Or two turns ago? How long has that hero been dead?” I think I leave them in there way too long sometimes, and would be better off putting two runes on it. What do you all do, just remember?

More minor items: How do you denote “My tech 2 building has been destroyed but will be coming back”?

How do you denote that your tower has done its detection thing?

Sorry if that’s so much as to be obnoxious. Speaking of obnoxious! I am up to my eyeballs learning these rules, and at the moment have a clear memory of exactly what I found super confusing the first time through. In a few days, I’ll forget. Is that useful feedback? Should I write it up?


Effects stack unless they don’t, yes.

Chameleon Lizzo has a handy word of god for clarification, found here or here
short answer, lizzo returns after your discard and draw

A turn is defined as the actions starting with readying everything to discarding and drawing a new hand. Each player takes a turn. Anything referencing one turn or end of turn is only one player’s turn.

Building cards cannot tap for effects when they have just been played, but their other abilities do take effect. Addons and Tech buildings are not completed until the end of your turn and thus have no effect during your turn.

Flying units do not have any effect on ground units that run under them.

Towers Detection once per turn is once per each player’sturn. See above.

I tend to put units in the vicinity of the patrol zone as I play them, and everything that has been around since before the turn is back towards me. During the ready step everything moves back towards me.

I agree. Maybe try flipping him over during the ready phase but exhausting him in the command zone until the next turn?

If it is destroyed, during the main phase you simply put it back to 5 health to denote it is rebuilding.

I have never thought about that, i suppose you could put a rune on the tower. But I generally just think about the one thing I am going to detect, and then forget that I have a tower. Same if my opponent has a tower, as it will only go off on the first thing that has stealth/invisibility.

There is no harm in posting what you found confusing. I would recommend putting it in this thread, so that anything of note can be summarized in the original post.


Great, that was quick! Thank you very much!

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I think there are the little building tokens in the set, for buildings that were previously built but now destroyed.

Oh, I was using those when I built the things the first time! What do you use for that, then?

A lot of people seem to use dice to indicate base/building hit points, rather than using the building marker and adding damage markers. I saw it being done on the gameplay videos linked in the kickstarter (I think they’re LK404’s, playing with Leontes). Basically, if a die is there, then the building is there. It works pretty well; it’s easy to see for any player and it doesn’t require people adding up a bunch of damage markers.

It honestly never occurred to me to use the little building markers for destroyed buildings, because they rebuild for free the next turn (well, one will) and it’s not like one player or the other is going to forget what tech levels have been destroyed in a 2-player game (I could see it happening in a 5-player free-for-all).

I was using the little building markers from the print-and-play for indicating a hero was max level, but I’ve since switched to some acrylic tokens because they’re much easier to use than little squares of card stock. LK404/Leontes tend to use the little blue/yellow multipurpose runes to show a hero is max-band. I figured it was common enough to deserve a distinct token for my set.