The Game Design of Codex

Sirlin said this in the Rules Questions thread and I am curious to know: why is that intentional? I would have thought, based on how much balance and even playing fields are a priority, that you wouldn’t want player 1 to ever have any advantage over player 2 at the start of a match (beyond what’s simply unavoidable). Maybe I am making some mistake or mis-read that comment but if heroX + specY counters others, doesn’t that mean that that kind of advantage sometimes exists?

I understand that the countering effect is really minimal since, as it was stated in the other thread, there’s plenty to counter the countering effects with. In other words: this is not at all a criticism of Codex; I just am interested to hear more about the design philosophy, from anyone who knows the answer to this question.

(Sorry if this is a dumb question. And hopefully this is an OK thread to ask this question in, as it is a question about the game design of Codex!)

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