Rules Questions thread

If you use Manufactured Truth to turn a card unit into a Bird, then lose Bird’s Nest on the same turn, the card would be trashed.


Oh, that does not sound desirable.

To be fair, that interaction could also happen with Hardened Mox, the Ghost from Hero’s Monument, and with Quince’s mid- and maxband. But all those cards require the “trash” wording because they’re indestructible / can copy something indestructible.

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Am I right to assume that this is correct and the unit still has swift strike?

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Yes, that seems to be the consensus.

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Yeah, Ferocity is given to the unit, not the controller.

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Is sparkshot mandatory or can the attacking player decide whether he wants to deal that damage?

The wording is “When attacking a patroller, deals 1 damage to an adjacent patroller.” I don’t see a ‘may’ there, so I’d say it’s mandatory. Same as say Bamstamper Lizzo, unlike say Fairie Dragon.


Hey there, that’s a great game that i just started to understand and this forum is gold :slight_smile:
I have a noob question: if a unit/heroe is exhausted in the enemy board and i want to attack this exhausted unit/heroe then how i ve to proceed?

  1. the exhausted units/heroes take damage from the attacker and give back damage
  2. the exhausted units/heroes take damage from the attacker and DOESN’T give back damage
  3. the exhausted units/heroes can’t be attacked?

Checked in forum/rules but i can’t figure out how to manage this.

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Welcome to this awesome game!
It’s the first


Thanks for your answer and time. You’re right it’s an incredible game :slight_smile:


Hi! One thing regarding Orpal Gloor’s maxband I don’t see a ruling for - if multiple units with -1/-1 runes die at the same time, I would think that only one set of runes from Orpal’s ability would be distributed; but what if two opposing units with runes die at the same time?

“The first time a unit with a -1/-1 rune dies each turn, the active player puts a -1/-1 rune on two units friendly to the dead unit.”

If two units who are not friendly and both have -1/-1 runes die at the same time, active player chooses where to put the runes.


Thanks, Bryce! :slight_smile:

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Meaning units on both sides would be legal targets? Hypothetically, as the active player I can choose one opposing and one friendly unit? Sorry for nitpicking.

No, the two units that you place runes on must both be friendly to the same unit; the active player chooses which unit that dies is the one that triggers the ability.

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Got it, thanks!

Ey there! I’m going to play a free for all game with 5 players. On the rulebook it’s not clear if the players should play with one hero each or three hero each. Or it is doable in both way?


Hey, there!

Free-for-all is intended to be played with standard decks, i.e. three specs/heroes each. Single-hero is just meant for learning games with Bashing and Finesse. You could do it with one hero each, but it might turn out rather lopsided.

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what would have happened if one of us had exactly one unit? Would still the whole effect have fizzled or only the parts where there is a choice to make?
I assume it also would have fizzled completely.
What if both players have exactly one unit? Does it still fizzle?