So the effects with that wording all have the same timing as Ferocity? There is a ruling in the database for that one.
Are we looking at the same database? I don’t see any Ferocity-specific rulings on this page or in the spreadsheet.
That said, I would expect it to follow the same timing even without a ruling, yes.
Oh, I thought it was on the database, sorry. It’s the one that I know does work like that.
Question: if geiger/Prynn maxb trashes a token, does it disappear forever or returns to the field later when the effect is resolved?
I’m pretty sure they disappear forever. In Prynn’s case, it’s especially obvious, because tokens aren’t cards. But, even in Geiger’s case, I believe that when a token leaves play, it’s gone forever, regardless of what else an ability is trying to do with it.
When a token leaves play for any reason, it ceases to exist completely. When an effect goes to retrieve a token that has left play, it finds nothing to return, or any other effects that might try to interact with something that has left the play area.
Surprised this hasn’t been asked yet, but just want to be 100% confident:
Sparring Partner pays 2 to “ready” himself. Does this mean his buff ability can be used the same turn he hits the table, effectively making the buff “haste”-able for +1/1?
No, ready doesnt not overcome the limit on exhausting the turn it is played. Ready changes a unit from exhuausted to ready, whereas haste does not effect exhaustion, just the arrival fatigue, seperate effects.
Related question:
If I Boot Camp a Sparring partner, can it ready itself the turn it is played? I’d say yes.
just to be clear. are you saying that if I play SP, then boot camp him, then i can ready him by paying 2?
Legion: Yes
Similar to using Boot Camp on Rampaging Elephant
Except Rampaging Elephant normally can’t self-ready after having Boot Camp cast on him, because he can’t attack after Boot Camp exhausts him, and there’s not time to cast Boot Camp in between his first attack and when his ability readies him, right?
Rampaging Elephant readies after its first exhaustion, not its first attack.
EDIT: Now that I think about it, this also makes it very hard to disable properly. Hmm.
Oh, certainly. Nothing stops you from readying a unit with arrival fatigue. You still can’t exhaust it for its ability since arrival fatigue applies, but yeah, you could boot camp, ready, patrol–although that’s pretty expensive!
Now I am imagining a scenario where you get 3 boot camps off on a sparring partner and then ready it. Still expensive.
If Quince uses his maxband ability to create a copy of a unit and then dies while silenced or level-reduced by Nether Drain, is his mirror copy trashed?
Yes the copy is still trashed, as the trashing is part of the original ability that creates the token, rather than a separate ability on quince.
Contrast against the wording on Prynn maxband, which is a separate ability. When she leaves play under Free Speech, it does not activate and all trashed units stay trashed.
That sounds like a really funny way to screw yourself.
Free speech and nether drain both can do this.
Nether Drain also works on your own Prynn, which potentially allows you to trash an opponent’s Tier III units.