Flagbearer dies before Reteller.
How much does it cost to build Tech 3? I put my physical box away, checked the rulebook, checked codex db and can’t remember. I think it costs 5, but not sure.
It’s 5 (chars).
Regarding Two-Headed Dragon:
I think obliterate always treats both opponents as being “the defender” regardless of what is being attacked, in part because attacks are confronted by both patrol zones, and in part because otherwise you get weird edge cases where it’s not clear which opponent is “the defender”, e.g. attacking the base, overpowering from one player’s patroller to the other player’s thing, initially attacking something obliterate removes and then attacking something belonging to the other opponent…
I think both players gain the benefit of add-ons to their shared base, in part because any other behavior from the Tower would be confusing, and in part because otherwise I don’t see a reason not to allow both teammates to build the same add-on. This would, however, seem to create an incentive for teams to have one faction in common if they’re planning to use a Tech Lab.
Anyone disagree?
only the tower actually benefits both players, in the sense that the first attacker, regardless of the target of the attack, is affected by the detect, and all attackers seen are shot. Surplus, tech lab, and heroes hall only affect the player that built them. Yes, in practice this means the tower is more valuable in 2HD. But those are indeed the rules.
Obliterate I believe has been ruled that it obliterates across all defenders, not just one or the other player. This is because if it only affected one player, it could be the case that despite each player only patrolling 1 tech 0, the tech 3 would not be able to get by, and as i understand, thats not the intended behavior.
Surplus, tech lab, and heroes hall only affect the player that built them. … But those are indeed the rules.
Are they? Looking through this thread and the rulebook, I couldn’t find anything that explicitly stated that, and the wording in the rulebook suggests the opposite to me. Is there a ruling on this elsewhere?
Edit: Ah, I think I understand the source of the disagreement now. When I read that the base is a shared resource, and “each have one add-on slot to your base”, that seemed to suggest that they were a part of that shared resource, and the rule that they can’t be the same add-on further cemented that idea in my mind, but looking at it again, I can see how they could also be considered separate from the base, in which case they wouldn’t be part of that shared resource. It seems the wording is a bit ambiguous.
Based on this ruling, I infer that Free Speech does not stop Growth spells if the opponent has Guargum, and playing a Growth spell from codex with Jurisdiction only costs $2, not $2 + the Growth spell’s cost?
I was about to give a rationale but this is actually ruled on, apparently!
Which makes sense to me.
I’m not sure on your second question. It depends on how picky someone is being about that parenthetical text on Jurisdiction.
I have a question about Stampede, arg’s ult spell. It says “excess dmg hits base”.
Does it work only when attacking patrollers as in, it’s just a different kind of overpower? Or does it work also on non patrolling units, heroes and buildings?
@sharpobject @zhavier @EricF
It says “units and heroes”, not “patrollers”. Overpower triggers only when attacking patrollers, but nothing suggests that Stampede has the same limitation.
Stampede doesnt have the same limitations as Overpower. It should be noted that attacking a tech building will not let excess goto the base.
Armour piercing makes attacks “ignore” armour. If the defender survives, is the armour still there?
Yes, because it ignores the armor the defender doesn’t lose any armor from the attack.
I can’t believe I’ve never thought of this.
Am I right to think Death and Decay does not affect units and heroes that arrive after it’s cast (e.g. via Second Chances and/or Snapback)?
It ought to keep affecting them; instead of just saying “give X -3/-3”, it adds “this turn”.
That will need to be double-checked. I think it was clarified at some point that Fox’s Den Students only gives the ninja units that are in play at the time that it is cast haste/stealth, rather than ones that you put into play afterwards.
mysticjuicer is right, Fox’s Den Students only gives haste and stealth to ninjas in play at the time of casting according to sharpobject. Thus, Nekoatl should also be right that Death and Decay only works on things already in play.
Thanks, I was going crazy trying to find the ruling in the thread.
I remembered that ruling because I asked that question about Fox’s Den Students once before and had to find out the truth, haha