Rules Questions thread

It’s funny that 3 people all responded at the exact same time


This all sounds good to me.


Does Metamorphosis affect Vandy herself? Is she a non-Demon hero even though on the card it says Demon(ology) Hero?

yes to all. Sestuki too is not a ninja, just a ninjustu hero.


Yes, it does. Vandy is not a demon until she casts metamorphosis


So I couldn’t find any ruling on it yet, so maybe it hasn’t been asked yet. Can Sparring Partner target himself?

Yes it can; otherwise it would say “on another friendly unit”.

Unrelated question:

Am I right to think that if Sirus Quince has a Mirror Illusion copy a unit with Fading, the Mirror Illusion will immediately die from lack of time runes?

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No, you are wrong. since fading checks for time runes only at upkeep and if a time rune is moved. A mirror illusion can copy something only: via midband, hence the unit will never see an upkeep(trash it Eot); and maxband, in this case the copying mirror would die next upkeep.
Also, a question, @sharpobject IIRC not long ago was said that if the opponent removes the last TR from my fading unit, it would not fade and stay on the field forever. if this is still true, then the maxb scenario would make another eternal unit (no fading) . Has that been changed? ty

If you copy a Fading unit with Quince maxband, it won’t die from Fading during your next upkeep (though it will still be trashed if the unit it’s copying dies from Fading). Units with Fading only die when the last time rune is removed; if the unit has no time runes, that cannot occur.

ETA: I’m pretty sure @sharpobject made a ruling saying that whenever the last time rune is removed, the unit will die. It doesn’t matter who removes it.


I agree, but if IIRC since the ruling says that if u remove the last time rune with TS or tinker, your unit dieswhile was said that if is the opponent doing that, it stays, i was asking for a clarification about the errata (at that time, sharpo was thinking of amending such rule)
EDIT: @Nekoatl then applies the following rule:
"If you somehow have something with fading in play with 0 time runes (probably because you made a copy of something if fading), it won’t die from fading anymore. " hence a mirror maxbanded into a fader with 0 time runes woould not fade.

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10 chars -


What happen if
Kidnap fading argonaut with 1 time rune
Manufacture truth FA into for example Stewardess
Play seer to remove time rune from the fake Stewardess

? FA shouldnt die since it got its time rune removed while it was being a Stewardess ?
When FA returns back to whom you stole it from, that player will have a fading unit that can never dies to fading?

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Yes. There was a prior ruling on this. It’s the removal of the last time rune (while it has fading) that kills the fading unit, not the absence of time runes.


I didn’t find a ruling on it, but I assume that combat damage dealt in the form of -1/-1 runes does not apply -1/-1 runes from damage to armor, because otherwise what would be the point of Poisonblade Rogue having armor piercing?

Armor isn’t a temporary hit point, it negates one point of damage, be it in the form of damage counters or -1/-1 runes.


It’s the other way round - if -1/-1 runes took no account of armor anyway, then Rogue’s armor-piercing would be useless. But -1/-1 runes dealt as combat damage (Orpal, Rogue, Plague Spitter) DO get absorbed by armor, because they are still combat damage.

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One more question – how does it work if you have two copies of Second Chances in play?

  1. Let’s say only one non-token unit leaves play (not from combat damage). Do both copies of second chances return it to play, so both are used up for the turn, or does only one do so, so that the other can still return something later in the turn?

  2. Let’s say n of them play at once, for n>1, so that what to bring back is chosen at random. Do both copies choose at random independently, so that there’s a 1/n chance that both choose the same thing, or do you choose 2 distinct ones at random, so you are guaranteed to get 2 things back?

Thank you all!

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Is drill seargent allowed to remove the one +1 rune keeping him alive? If so, will that rune reach its target unit as seargent dies or get lost?

He should be able to resolve the action in progress before the HP check kills him.


It does resolve, but the hp check is state based, and so he dies rather immediately, but the action in progress doesn’t care if he is alive or not. Put another way, the text of his ability is in the queue, and no longer needs him to be alive to resolve. I think it is similar to the captured bugblatters / judgment day example.