RACE #3: Bomber678 ([Future]/Peace/Blood) vs. Bob199 ([Discipline]/Blood/Truth)

[details=Turn 7]Fading Argonaut, Nullcraft, Flagstone Garrison, Overeager Cadet, Overeager Cadet, Brave Knight
Tech: Bloodlust

  1. Tech 1 card
  2. Get paid (+$10, $11)
  3. Rebuild Tech 1 ($11)
  4. Build Flagstone Garrison ($8)
  5. Summon Nullcraft, reshuffle, draw ($6)
  6. Summon Fading Argonaut, draw ($4)
  7. Summon Drakk Ramhorn ($2)
  8. Cast Bloodlust on Fading Argonaut and Hardened Mox ($0)
  9. Fading Argonaut kills Grave, Drakk gains two levels
  10. Nullcraft kills Mirror Illusion
  11. Hardened Mox kills Quince, Drakk gains 2 levels
  12. Discard 4, draw 5

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Leader: Mech (6/7+A)
    :ps_:Scavenger: Drakk Ramhorn (2/3) lvl 5

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 5
    Tech 2: 5
    Tower: 4
    Flagstone Garrison: 4
  • Units/Heroes:
    Hardened Mox (2/1)
    Nullcraft: 1/1
  • Base: 17
  • Other:
    Battle Suits


  • Workers: 10
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Discard: 6


Drill Sergeant, Drill Sergeant, Neo Plexus, Crash Bomber, Bloodlust


Flagstone Garrison, Overeager Cadet, Overeager Cadet, Brave Knight, Bloodlust, Fading Argonaut

Mech doesn’t have haste and can’t be targeted by bloodlust

Oh hmm. I thought Untargetable only affected your opponents.

Only for mind parry monk because he explicitly states that

Ok, if I instead Bloodlust my Mox and have him kill Quince, then patrol my Mech in Squad Leader instead, I think it’s an ok compromise.
So Drakk will be level 5 and Quince will be dead, but you still have Tech 2 and 19 base health.

Turn updated with changes.


Gold +SCV (10)
Drakk (8)
LandOpus , Glider , Savior (2)
Bloodlust LandOpus & Savior ()
Glider > Drakk, my base to 18, real Drakk to L3
LandOpus = Mech, Overpower Garrison for 1
Savior > Garrison

dc1, d3 , co2

Leader: 1/1A Sensei
Technician: 1/3 L3 Drakk

Other - Safe ATtakcking ,

Base: 18
Tech I: 5
Blood II: 5

Workers: 9
Spare gold: 0
Hand: 3
Deck: 6
Discard: 6








H: everything played + hook
T: deamscapez [/details]

Your saviour monk is probably still in play because of your safe attacking protecting you from the tower.
It’s exhausted and on 1 hp.

[details=Turn 8]Crash Bomber, Bloodlust, Drill Sergeant, Drill Sergeant, Neo Plexus
Tech: Crash Bomber

  1. Tech 1 card
  2. Get paid (+$10, $11)
  3. Hardened Mox kills Aged Sensei ($11)
  4. Summon Drill Sergeant ($8)
  5. Summon Drill Sergeant, 1 rune ($5)
  6. Summon Neo Plexus, 3 runes ($3)
  7. Summon Crash Bomber, 5 runes ($2)
  8. Move four runes to Nullcraft
  9. Nullcraft destroys your Tech 2, your base to 16
  10. Discard 1, reshuffle, draw 3

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Leader: Crash Bomber (2/2+A)
    :ps_:Scavenger: Neo Plexus (3/2)
    :pschip:Technician: Drill Sergeant (4/3)
    :target:Lookout: Drill Sergeant (5/4)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 5
    Tech 2: 5
    Tower: 4
  • Units/Heroes:
    Nullcraft (5/5)
  • Base: 17
  • Other:
    Battle Suits


  • Workers: 10
  • Gold: 2
  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 6
  • Discard: 0


Flagstone Garrison, Bloodlust, Bloodlust

gg, can’t come back from this

You had me worried.

@ericf with the f tho

It’s funny cause my phone told me that it’d put the f in.
I blame this forum software.