[Puzzle] Fastest Kill

The 4-turn, 11-action solution for Dinosize on Ironbark Treant is still good, too.
EDIT: 10 actions, now I’m looking at it. Don’t recruit Merfolk Prospector, skip both attacks on Turn 2, Turn 3 without the Dinosize, and cast RG and both Dinosizes on Turn 4.

Zane + Red starrer can do it turn 3 as player 1 in 14 actions:
Turn 1

  1. Zane
  2. Attack for 2
  3. Rambaster
  4. Attack for 3 (5 total)
    Turn 2:
  5. Bombaster
  6. Pillage 2 gold (7)
  7. Bloodrage Ogre
  8. Zane hits bunny
  9. Attack for 3 (10)
    Turn 3
  10. Scorch bunny
    11-14. Attack for 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 (20)

Seems like there should be a line using drakk mid or max to get faster or equal, but I don’t see it. You also spent 10 of your 12 gold, for what that’s worth.