The market has spoken and they are very against me changing/improving a board game over time. So no changes are planned. Improving board games had a good run, but I can’t do it when there is a massive financial penalty and massive PR penalty attached to it. We are NOT working on a new version of Codex right now. There is no reason to post “waiting for next edition” as we see commonly posted about Codex on other websites. We’re working on Fantasy Strike right now, not on Codex.
That said, you can think about this stuff all you want. Some comments:
Calypso Vystari is not a named card and therefore should not be legendary. Calypso is an adjective and Vystari is the name of a race or group of people, and neither word is her name.
Scorch I know the most about. For a lot of development it cost 2, so I know all about how that is. I have personally played red more than other colors so I really know how it is, and it’s like this: I noticed that I would never ever ever consider using it as a worker. Like the very thought of that was ludicrous. It was a key card to always use, but it was so extreme that it was a key lategame card. I’d almost always use it as a finisher, as well as multiple other times along the way. Not that I did that sometimes, but that I was basically forced to because of how good it was. It was just crazy as a starting deck card.
At cost 3 it works how it should. You use it sometimes, not others. I still use it as a finisher sometimes for the last damage. It’s useable other times occasionally as removal, or the last damage on a tech building. I think it’s a serious misplay to auto-worker it always. I can’t even imagine that actually. Red should be blitzing hard and the option of another burn spell, even an inefficient one, is correct to have at least some of the time. It doesn’t matter how it compares to some black card or something; it matters if red’s desperate plan ever needs Scorch and from playing red a lot I can say: yes it does, and it’s useable as it is. Sometimes you need ANY card that will do that last 1 or 2 damage to their base and having a card that does it that you didn’t even need to tech for can be a life-saver.
Knight of the Conclave should not mess with time runes. It should be the simplest possible thing. An expansion card was planned to have arrive: mess with time runes. This card should remain simple.
Drill Sergeant and Blooming Ancient do a similar thing, but in a different way very much on purpose. If we could do it all over again, I would not change that they work differently. It’s intentional variation and not some kind of mistake, nor is it consistent (because the exact way they gain runes doesn’t need to be, and shouldn’t be, “consistent”.)
Fruit Ninja is not “always worker” in Bashing vs. Finesse. Quite the contrary, it’s a key card and usually good. That match is often about can you deal 4 damage on an attack against a hero or not on the turn you need it, and he is one of the “outs” that can do it (him plus either bloom/spark/wither).
Warpgate Disciple. I’m surprised to hear a compliant on this one, actually. He really says “answer me right away or lose.” If you let him do his thing even a couple turns, it’s nuts. He’s kind of a trickshot, but his existence helps as a mixup of various things they HAVE to respond to. He’s seemed pretty ok in games I’ve seen.