Multiplayer Forum Game Table Talk

I think we just said none do.

That seems to discourage black far more than other colors in being able to collect bounties.

So, whos turn is it?

I was waiting on @feathers fix, so I guess its my turn? Though @Castanietzsche might also want to make changes?

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I think we all got a bit lost on what was happening :stuck_out_tongue: stop doing weird things people! :stuck_out_tongue:

No for me all is ok, I wonā€™t change anything :slight_smile:

Oh, sorry, I was waiting for the discussion for the bounty rule to come to a conclusion before fixing my turn properly. I wasnā€™t aware you had different expectations. One fixed turn, coming up quick.

At the moment, we have a sharpo ruling, so we will go with that. feathers last tech choices can change, and apologies the ruling wasnā€™t clear from the start.

@feathers tag me when you have your turn figured out :smiley:

My long-awaited turn is up @zhavier! @Castanietzsche you might want to change your board state so it no longer reflects Abomā€™s presence. I did not plan any part of my turn based on Castaā€™s - thatā€™s what I wouldā€™ve done since I highly suspected another JD coming.

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Iā€™ll keep my turn the same !
Your turn @zhavier !

@feathers I donā€™t see how Orpal, a 1/3, can suicide on Drakk, a 1/3+A. He can certainly do the 1 point of damage, but that doesnt mean Orpal is deadā€¦

Also, Drakk dead means ALL OPPOSING bases takes 1.

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Yikesā€¦ rush jobs are no good. Sorry to delay the group for so long, work has been busy but Iā€™ll try to put up a error-free turn as soon as Iā€™m able.

@zhavier how about we stop all this judgement? Blue is super spying killing of all our units.

No argument, @neigutten

But I seem to be the one getting the brunt of the assault. I appear to be a terrible diplomat.


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Lets try to get a combined effort with @feathers and @Shadowfury333 to keep Blue from getting to much value of those board clears.

Judgement day is costing him 1 gold in practice, this is too cray cray. We need to do something about this. Lets at least destroy his tech 2 building and Bigby this turn.

I, sadly, only have Feral spells on hand, so my turn wonā€™t be very helpful for anything sadly.

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Just as a side note, the Jail is currently stating it has a plague spitter, but depending on what Black does, it could be the Neo Plexus.


I agree, killing Bigby is a good idea ^^
I have almost not been attacked during the game, donā€™t worry ^
Itā€™s important to balance the game state and yeah I think these Judgment Days gave me some advantage.

@feathers friendly poke.

Iā€™m deeply sorry for the delay. The past week has been busy for me, and at the same time I fretted too much over a turn that ended up not having to have much changed at all. To summarize, Orpal suicides into Tax Collector to make way for maxband Garth. @zhavier youā€™re up. I agree on the importance of dealing with Blue but thereā€™s not much I could do this turn.

Iā€™m not sure about the rules on hero death levels in FFA - the phrase used in the rulebook is ā€œif an opposing hero dies, your hero gains 2 levels.ā€ The levels go to Vir if theyā€™re not restricted to the person whose units I died from.