Recently got a hold of the game and wanted to see if there’s anyone in/around London who’d be down to play a few games.
What time/days can people do in June?
I’m in north west London so would prefer around there (and can book tables at an LGS). Let me know if that works or you’d prefer another location.
Oh wow lemme tag @APALM ya boy
Honorable mention to @snoc and @thehug0naut and @Fenrir for being ehhh vaguely nearby
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@sweepea is there a typo with the month? It’s the 1st of August tomorrow!
I’m up in Glasgow, but I might be passing through London in mid September, just trying to sort out my travel dates for a conference. Will let you know if it looks doable to stop over for a day or two, maybe it works out.
What codex set did you get?
You’re right @thehug0naut, I meant to say September
I’ve changed the title accordingly
I’ll probably be looking to finalise dates mid-august so no rush.
I just have the base set. I’ve played a few games with my wife but she doesn’t like it as much as I do 
@charnel_mouse are you in the UK?
I am, but I’m up in Leeds, so I wouldn’t be nearby too often.
For the record, I’d be very up for this in the future as I’m based in London, but can’t do until October atm