LDT2: Hobusu ([Anarchy]/Strength/Growth) vs ARMed_Pirate ([Discipine]/Ninjutsu/Bashing)

Called it! game was a lot closer than ya thought :slight_smile:


I haven’t looked to see what cards he’d teched, but drawing a Wrecking Ball there would have been an unavoidable loss… But yes, it doesn’t get closer than 1 HP base damage! :wink:

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I had it in my next hand.

I maybe should not have killed Arg that turn, to increase my chances of drawing… but looking at your hand now, I’m still glad I did, because you had a Dinosize in hand, and Zane, Mad Man, and Dinosize together meant (I think) you could have just taken out my base otherwise. (:

Doing the math, yeah:
Zane ($8), takes out Al.
Rook takes out GN.
Arg boosts Taxman, who trades with Grave, 2 levels to Zane.
Zane to max ($5), killing Bob, probably shoving him to technician and drawing.
Mad Man ($4) kills Chuck.
Dinosize Barbarbar ($0): 19 damage to base.

That was a great match!


Yeah, I would be lying if I said I don’t regret surrendering, but that win just now required enough luck that I suspect you would have had it if we played it out at the time (different day, different RNG seeds). You can at least see why I gave up, right? It was even worse than I suspected at the time, since I thought you’d need Setsuki to stealth past my patrol… Well, you still kind of did, but TPoS made it so if you had ever found a way to get even ONE damage past, I would lose. So while I do regret the hasty decision, I stand by it being reasonable and don’t mind how things turned out (you officially winning and me… morally…? winning).

But yes, that was a fantastic match! Well played!