FFA: Multicolor Madness

the ruling you seek is here

Well, actually, that doesnt address the destroys effects. Hmm…

@sharpobject help!

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its still confusing or poorly worded. so if you use deteriorate on a minion and it dies, no free gold? but ember sparks would reward gold? seems arbitrary if that’s true.

is the key word “dies from damage” ? or dies from combat?

Sorry I’m being hypercritical of the wording here but shouldn’t it simply read: “The free gold is only awarded when a unit dies from damage (including orpal and friends damage).”

my gosh @sharpobject I’m thoroughly confused! I just convinced myself it was only “damage” … also, does sacrifice the weak reward gold as well?

Hi Zhavier,

If you boost Hooded Executioner you can get some gold.

Hey, I plan to delete most of this rule sometime soon, please look forward to it.


Sac the weak does not because you do not kill the units, the controllers sac them

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This aggression will not stand, man.

@Shadow_Night_Black: I could have sent my Constable after your Hyperion Glaxx or after your undefended base, knocking it down to 18. I chose not to. Prove that your timeline’s Vir is the true Vir! Take out @Penatronic’s Tech II and/or Tech Lab before that Hive comes out!

(Oh, and I forgot to mention it, @Penatronic, but that was also a pretty awesome turn with only one card from hand. Kudos! I’m loving watching y’all play against my environment deck!)

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After what hyperion? It was slaughtered by Penatronic’s Hooded Executioner.

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I’m totally paying attention to actions that don’t have my handle tagged on them. Totally. I’m not missing stuff at all!

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Unfortuneatly Pirate, I only have a null craft in hand for haste, and that makes me one damage short of being able to break his patrol zone and take out that tech lab with my current board (also assuming zhavier doesn’t make it any weaker)

EDIT: I can’t do maths (forgot traing grounds makes vir 4 attack, I can just about break it, if I do nothing but play nullcraft…
Further Edit: hmm, maybe I can do a bit more then, all depends on what’s the top card of my deck and if vir lives.

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If Nullcraft takes out Skeleton, he has no patrol zone. The Executioner is under arrest for extra-judicial killings. Vir is free to do whatever he wants. Like boast about how his timeline still has an atmosphere.


… Need more likes

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@zhavier @Bob199 Okay, guys. It looks like @Shadow_Night_Black won’t be able to take out that Tech II 'cause he has to be awesome. His Glaxx can take out the Skeleton.

@Bob199, you have Midori; @zhavier, you have cool hasted stuff with your Anarchy Tech II, right? Can we stop the Hive? Otherwise, them stingers’ll be pokin’ all our bases to less-than-ideal health.

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Oh I’m the bad guy just for owning a tech two? Never mind the free max hero generator someone stole from me

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I’m more worried about the Pirate Gunship then the Hive, If I open up his patrol zone, can people break his tech 3/Gunship/do some base damage?

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Infact Pirate, do you want to arrest the gunship with your porkhand magistrate?

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It all comes down to base damage, and I’m not really in position to win with my base damage and 2 other undamaged bases.

Note penatronic and pirate are much more capable of winning.

Think you mean penatronic and shadow? You just let lose obliteration against pirate =b

And yes, they are currently in good positions atm

umm Zhavier, you have the same base damage as me?

Look at @zhavier and his politicking. Are we playing diplomacy now?

And wait let me get this straight, someone had an anarchy tech 3 and you went after me for a future tech 2? Uhh what game have you been playing?

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Correct, we have the same base damage, which is why I said pirate not shadow. And pirate is in good shape for disruption. And a Gryphon is WAY more dangerous than a puny Gunship.

I chose to hit his council so the rest of you could actually do something about the situation, and shadow is the only one ready to take advantage apparently, but making sure you all worry about me.

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