This is a collection of helpful posts related to Yomi, including character guides, match-up charts, tournament leaderboards, and assorted learning material.
This post is a wiki, which means anyone can edit it and add links to new resources!
Player Resources
Rules and Rulings
Strategy Guides
Getting Good at Yomi: A collection of videos covering Yomi basics
Game Theory Fundamentals of Yomi
Ghost Buster - A Guide to 2v2
Character Guides
Character Overviews by ClanNatioy
Jaina Intermediate Strategy Guide
Playing with Fire
Juushichi Rambles About Jaina vs the Yomi Cast
On Speed: A New Player’s Guide to Setsuki
Major_shiznick’s Guide to DeGrey
Valerie Character Guide
Painting by Numbers
Gallantly Galvanizing Geiger
A New Player’s Guide to Becoming Mediocre with Geiger
Time Enough for Love: Thoughts on Geiger
An Aggravating Amphibious Assailant
Quintessential Quince
Learn the ConseQuinces: An Anti-Quince Guide
Quince player rambles about Quince matchups
Bal-Bas-Beta Character Guide
Your Opponent: Bal-Bas-Beta
Persephone Character Guide
Dominant Strategies
Lessons from Quickmatch
No Guts No Gloria
Gloria 201: Variations and Practices
Match-Up Charts
The Historical Chart: A match-up chart for all 20 characters based on tournament performance since 2014.
The Yomi Composite Chart: created by scymrian to aggregate and average the individual charts below.
The Princess Power Chart: created by rodohk, ratxt1, deluks917, and mastrblastr
The Mad King Chart: created by Mad King
The Three Amigos Chart: created by IamNobody, cpat, and Bob199
Staryu’s Chart: created by staryu
The DRB Chart: created by Juushichi, Raziek, and Ryker
The Character Specialist Chart: created by ClanNatioy, enomus, Fivec, Fluffiness, FraaOrolo, hartley, Leontes, mi-go hunter, and Southpaw Hare
The cpat Solo Chart: created by cpat, solo
Yomi-Skill: by @vengefulpickle, data analysis based on matches recorded by @mysticjuicer.
Other Resources
Online Hand Tracker
Yomi Tournament Calendar and Twitter (@IntlYomiLeague)
Yomi Historical ELO Calculator
Tournament Organizer Resources
Historical Data
The Historical Chart: A match-up chart for all 20 characters based on tournament performance since 2014.
Other Resources
Yomi Tournament Calendar and Twitter (@IntlYomiLeague)
Yomi Videos
YouTube Channels
mysticjuicer: 1st and 3rd person match commentary, match-up and character guides
snoc: 1st person match commentary, casuals with members of the community + Skype discussion
Sirlin Games: 1st and 3rd person match commentary
Bomber678: 1st and 3rd person match commentary
Mad king: 3rd person match commentary
neigutten: 1st person match commentary
Raziek: 1st and 3rd person match commentary
Southpaw Hare: 1st and 3rd person match commentary
migohunter: 3rd person match commentary
Twitch Channels
Sirlin Games: 1st and 3rd person match commentary
Bomber678: 1st and 3rd person match commentary
IamNobody: 3rd person match commentary
MadKing: 3rd person match commentary
neigutten: 1st and 3rd person match commentary
The previous version of this topic can be found here.