CAWS22 Round5: P1 thehug0naut [Balance]/Blood/Demonology vs P2 Dreamfire [Present]/Demonology/Discipline


I agree, you had a good early read on me, and even with a bad turn 3 hand you stayed at board parity despite my best efforts.

Drakk on SQL on turn 5 definitely would’ve given me trouble, that was probably a watershed moment.

Not sure what the right play would’ve been on turn 6. I wasn’t super worried about the Verdant Tree tbh. I liked that I could maxband Vandy and be sure she was safe, but I would’ve been ok with an instant Crashbarrow or w/e.

And I still didn’t get to TD a Twin into a Twilight Baron…


@thehug0naut If you want I can play a casual against you. You can choose whatever deck you want and the traditinal rules or with the nerfs. The old nightmare P1 is one of the decks with a good chance to win, although burning legion will be stronger as well without vandy nerfs.

I will not be able think every turn completely through. Need my brain power for the tourney. But I think my burning legion play with all the testing and simulations will still be strong.

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I’ll definitely take you up on that offer, but I’m happy to wait until after the tournament

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