Casual feanor (red) vs. lettucemode (green)

Starting a new game! I am playing monored, @lettucemode is monogreen

Let’s see if I can figure this out

starting hand

Pillage (workered), Nautical Dog, Mad Man, Careless Musketeer, Charge

collect 4 Gold
spend 1 Gold for a worker
spend 1 Gold to play Mad Man, exhaust and attack your base for 1
spend 2 Gold to play Careless Musketeer
discard 2, draw 4
tech 2

Patrolling: Careless Musketeer is squad leader


Detonate and Calypso Vystari

new hand

Bombaster, Bloodrage Ogre, Makeshift Rambaster, Bloodburn

The only thing not called out in your post that would technically need to be, is which card from your hand was workered. This could be noted next to the card in the starting hand details as Card1, Card2, Card3 - Worker, Card4, Card5.

It is also customary to mark the first post of your game with @lettucemode which will get your opponents attention. :smiley:

Lastly, you declare your 2 tech cards at the beginning of your turn, with the idea that you start considering your options starting at the end of your turn all the way through your opponents turn. The tech cards don’t technically enter your discard pile until your turn starts, before the Ready step.

Good luck, and have fun!

Thanks for the tips!

And it’s not necessary, but I’ve gotten into the habit of always listing my deck/discard contents as hidden information, so that if I have to, I can reconstruct the exact game scenario. This is useful if I want to, say, play Codex face-to-face with someone else in the middle of a PbF game, or even play two PbF games at once.

(Just make sure to shuffle your deck when you’re done listing it…or, you can reconstruct the deck based off of process of elimination.)

Alrighty, sorry for the delay, finally home. GL HF!

P2, T1

[details=Starting Hand]Playful Panda
Tiger Cub
Rampant Growth
Forest’s Favor
Merfolk Prospector - worker[/details]

  • Collect 5 gold (5)
  • Make a worker (4)
  • play Playful Panda (2)
    -> I get a 0/1 wisp token
  • summon Calamandra (0)
  • pass turn. discard 3, draw 5.

Patrol Zone:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Calamandra (2/3+A)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Wisp (0/1)
  • :pspuzzle: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In play:

  • Playful Panda (2/2)


  • Base :pspurpleshield:: 19


  • Workers: 6
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 5
  • Discard: 3
  • Draw: 0

[details=New Hand]Young Treant
Verdant Tree
Rich Earth
Ironbark Treant
Spore Shambler[/details]

P1, t2

starting hand

bombaster, bloodrage ogre (workered), makeshift rambaster, bloodburn


detonate, calypso

Collect 5 gold
Make worker (4)
Summon jaina (2)
Build tech1 (1)

Squad leader: jaina 2/3 +a
Elite: mad man 2/1
Scavenger: careless musketeer

Tech1 5
Base 20

Workers 6
Gold 1
Discard 3, draw 5

new hand

calypso vystari, nautical dog, bloodburn, charge, scorch

P2, T2

hand, worker, tech

Tech: Murkwood Allies, Giant Panda

Young Treant
Verdant Tree
Rich Earth - worker
Ironbark Treant
Spore Shambler

Collect 6 gold
Make a worker (5)
Build Tech I building (4)
play Ironbark Treant (1)
Playful Panda and Calamandra attack Jaina. Playful Panda dies, Jaina dies, Calamandra goes to level 3 and heals.
pass turn. discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5. Float 1 gold

Patrol Zone:

:psblueshield: Squad Leader: Ironbark Treant (1/2+AAA)

:psfist: Elite:

:ps_: Scavenger: Wisp (0/1)

:pspuzzle: Technician:

:target: Lookout:

In play:

Calamandra level 3 (3/4)


Base :pspurpleshield:: 19
Tech I: 5


Workers: 7
Gold: 1
Hand: 5
Discard: 0
Draw: 4

New Hand

Playful Panda
Verdant Tree
Murkwood Allies
Forest’s Favor
Young Treant

Sorry, only just saw that you’d taken a turn! Never got the notification. I’ll get to work.

P1, T3

[details=hand, worker, tech]starting hand: nautical dog, calypso, bloodburn, charge, scorch
tech: firebat, gunpoint taxman
worker: nautical dog[/details]

Collect 6 gold
Make a worker (5)
Play Calypso Vystari (4)
Play Bloodburn (1)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4.

Squad Leader: Calypso Vystari (2/2+a)
Elite: Mad Man (1+1/1)
Scavenger: Careless Musketeer (2/1)


Base: 20
Tech 1: 5

Workers 7
Gold 1

new hand

Charge, Makeshift Rambaster, Bombaster, Detonate

No problemo! If you don’t get a notification for this one either, I can start tagging you.

P2, T3

hand, worker, tech

Tech: Blooming Ancient, Giant Panda

Playful Panda
Verdant Tree - worker
Murkwood Allies
Forest’s Favor
Young Treant
draw: Rampant Growth

Collect 7 gold + float (8)
Make a worker (7)
play Young Treant (5)
-> I draw a card
Murkwood Allies (0)
-> I get four 1/1 Frogs
Calamandra attacks and kills the Calypso Vystari, and takes 2 damage.
-> Bloodburn gets a rune
pass turn. discard 3, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 2.

Patrol Zone:

:psblueshield: Squad Leader: Ironbark Treant (1/2+AAA)

:psfist: Elite: Frog (2/1)

:ps_: Scavenger: Frog (1/1)

:pspuzzle: Technician: Frog (1/1)

:target: Lookout: Frog (1/1)

In play:

Calamandra level 3 (3/2)
Young Treant (0/2)
Wisp (0/1)


Base :pspurpleshield:: 19
Tech I: 5


Workers: 8
Gold: 0
Hand: 5
Discard: 0
Draw: 4

New Hand

Tiger Cub
Spore Shambler
Giant Panda
Giant Panda
Forest’s Favor

P1, T4

[details=tech, worker, hand] tech: steam tank, chameleon lizard
Starting hand: makeshift rambaster, bombaster, charge, detonate
Worker: charge[/details]

Collect 7 gold +1 from last time, 8 gold
Make a worker (7)
Build tech 2 (3)
Play makeshift rambaster (1)
Mad man, careless musketeer, and makeshift rambaster all attack iron bark treant, doing 4 damage. All die
Bloodburn gets 3 tokens, total 4
Exhaust Bloodburn, remove 2 tokens, pay 1 gold (resist) to do 1 damage to iron bark treant, killing it (0)
Bloodburn gains back a token, now has 3
Discard 2, draw 4

Tech 1: 5
Tech 2, anarchy: 5
Base: 20


new hand

calypso, gun point tax man, scorch, fire bat

Which spec are you choosing for your Tech II building?

Also Mad Man and Careless Musketeer only have 3 attack combined, so I believe Ironbark Treant is still alive with that turn as written (he is effectively a 1/5 with his ability + squad leader armor).

Crud. I forgot mad man wouldn’t have his +1 as a patroller when attacking. Sorry, I have to rethink that turn entirely. Didn’t know I had to pick a spec for tech ii, either

Ok, I think I fixed it

You need a hero in play to cast a spell like Charge, so I’m afraid that turn isn’t legal.

Yes, once you build Tech II and declare a spec, you are locked into that spec for your tech II and III cards for the rest of the game, even if the building gets destroyed later. Makes it easier to narrow down what you’ll be facing.

1 Like

Damn! Sorry. I’ll try again. Definitely a learning game for me

No problem! Been there myself :slight_smile: take all the time you need.

Ok, hopefully third time is the charm. I’ve edited again, let me know how I did…

Looks good! One way or another, that Treant was gonnna die…

P2, T4

hand, worker, tech

Tech: Blooming Ancient, Blooming Elm

Tiger Cub - worker
Spore Shambler
Giant Panda
Giant Panda
Forest’s Favor

Collect 8 gold
Make a worker (7)
build Tech II building in Growth (3)
play Giant Panda (0) comes with a 0/1 Wisp
Calamandra and the Frogs all attack your base for 7 damage total
pass turn. discard 3, draw 4, reshuffle, draw 1.

Patrol Zone:

:psblueshield: Squad Leader: Young Treant (0/2+A)

:psfist: Elite: Wisp (1/1)

:ps_: Scavenger: Wisp (0/1)

:pspuzzle: Technician:

:target: Lookout:

In play:

Calamandra level 3 (3/2)
Giant Panda (2/4)
4 Frogs (1/1 each)


Base :pspurpleshield:: 19
Tech I: 5
Tech II Growth: 5


Workers: 9
Gold: 0
Hand: 5
Discard: 0
Draw: 5

New Hand

Rampant Growth
Playful Panda
Blooming Ancient
Murkwood Allies
Ironbark Treant