[Casual] charnel_mouse (White) vs Shadow_Night_Black (Blue)


Starting hand: 5

Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Safe Attacking
Sensei’s Advice


Eh, Rook + Viper, I guess. No, Smoker, then I can threaten to deal with the Inspector.

Get paid - (5)
Worker - (4)
Garus Rook - (2)
Smoker - (1)
Discard 3, draw 5

:psblueshield: Rook L1 2/4+1A

Smoker 1/1 (stealth; targeted: returns to hand)

:heart: Base HP: 20

Hand: 5

Aged Sensei
Saviour Monk
Fox Primus
Grappling Hook

Deck: 0
Discard: 3

Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Safe Attacking

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10
1 on board
5 in hand
0 in deck
3 in discard
1 in workers

Gold: 1
Workers: 6

5 x start
T1: Sensei’s Advice

That tech 1 will cost 2 thanks to my Building inspector

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Duh. I’ll just float.


Tech StartingHand Workers

Spectral Hound
Spectral Hound

Manufactured Truth
Lawful Search
Reputable Newsman
Porkhand Magistrate

Bluecoat Musketeer
Porkhand Magistrate


Reputable Newsman
Traffic Director
Spectral Hound
Spectral Aven

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Midband Oni - ($0)
Oni kills, rook, oni to lvl 7

Float ($0)
Discard 4, reshuffle, draw 5

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Oni (3/2 + A, lvl 7)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Building Inspector (1/1, your buildings cost 1 more)
  • :pschip: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:


  • :heart: Base HP: 20

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 6

Lets see what happens if we just murder Rook

Not through the armour.

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oops, lets try this instead then.

Tech StartingHand Workers

Spectral Hound
Spectral Hound

Manufactured Truth
Lawful Search
Reputable Newsman
Porkhand Magistrate

Bluecoat Musketeer
Porkhand Magistrate


Lawful Search
Spectral Hound
Spectral Hound
Manufactured Truth

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Tech 1 - ($3)
Newsman, Condemming spells and upgrades that cost 2 - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Reputable Newsman (0/3 + A)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Oni (2/3, lvl 1)
  • :pschip: Technician: Building Inspector (1/1, your buildings cost 1 more)
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 6

Forgot about rook, think aven might have been the play


Starting hand: 5

Aged Sensei
Saviour Monk
Fox Primus
Grappling Hook


I’ve got a few options here:

  • Worker (6), midband Rook (2), Hook Newsman, Rook kills Oni, Smoker trades with Inspector, Tech I (1), Aged Sensei (0). No maxband Rook, but that means the Newsman staying alive is less of a problem. +4 gold for -1 card, seems good. Rook is left on 3 health, so only killed by copying Brave Knight. Still a risk. 4-card hand.
  • Worker (6), Hook Newsman, Rook and Smoker kill Oni, midband Rook (4), Tech I (2), Saviour Monk (0). +2 gold for -2 cards, if we include the building tax. Not worth it. 4-card hand.
  • Worker (6), Hook Newsman, midband Rook (2), Rook kills Newsman, Smoker trades with Inspector, Tech I (1), Aged Sensei (0). Onimaru left alive versus Sensei and 5 HP Rook, and Bird’s Nest isn’t blocked, I think that’s fine. Could probably even skip the Sensei, for more chance to draw a Nest, but I can just put it in Technician and not risk a Tax Collector. +2 gold, neutral on cards. Rook dies to Arrested Sensei and Oni + copied Aven, but that’s expensive on cards. Oh, and he can’t copy the Aven, anyway. Can’t afford Arrest + maxband Oni, either. 4/5-card hand.
  • Worker (6), Hook Newsman, midband Rook (2), Rook kills Oni, maxband Rook (1), Smoker trades with Building Inspector, Tech I (0). +4 gold for -1 card, good. No risk of Rook dying. No Bird’s Nest or Smoker to ping buildings, though. 5-card hand.

I don’t really like leaving Onimaru alive, but killing the Newsman is probably the better play here, it lets me set up for Birds -> Earthquake.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bird’s Nest, Sparring Partner

Get paid + float - (7)
Worker - (6)
Grappling Hook, Reputable Newsman moved to Lookout
Midband Rook - (2)
Rook kills Reputable Newsman
Smoker trades with Building Inspector, you draw
Tech I - (1)
Aged Sensei - (0)
Discard 2, reshuffle 9, draw 4

:exhaust: Aged Sensei 1/1 (exhaust: ally gets +1/+1A this turn)

Rook L5 3/5 (can ignore lone patrollers)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5

Hand: 4

Morningstar Flagbearer
Safe Attacking

Deck: 5

Fox Viper
Bird’s Nest
Sparring Partner
Grappling Hook
Saviour Monk

Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 2 teched = 12
1 on board
4 in hand
5 in deck
0 in discard
2 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 7

5 x start
T1: Sensei’s Advice
T2: Fox Primus

Oni will kill your aged sensi before I lawful search, whats your tech draw?

Sparring Partner.

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Tech StartingHand Workers

Free Speech
Flagstone Garrison

Lawful Search
Spectral Hound
Spectral Hound
Manufactured Truth
Spectral Aven

Bluecoat Musketeer
Porkhand Magistrate


Lawful Search
Free Speech
Flagstone Garrison
Traffic Director

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($7)
Tech Draw
Oni kills sensei, you draw
LS your hand - ($6)
Hound - ($5)
Hound - ($4)
Aven - ($2)
Worker - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 2, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 3

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Spectral Hound (3/3 + A, Illusion)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :pschip: Technician: Spectral Hound (3/3, Illusion)
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Oni (2/2, lvl 1)
  • Spectral Aven (2/2, Flying, Illusion)


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 7

Spew out all the illusions, force out the anti illusion tech, and go straight into peace.

I’m sure there’s something about White vs. Blue I’m missing here, it seems like such a struggle.


Starting hand: 4

Morningstar Flagbearer
Safe Attacking

Technician draw: 1

Sparring Partner


The worst thing about seeing Spectral Hounds is that they’re good for both Peace II and Truth II, so I don’t know how much to go for anti-illusion cards. They pop from Elite Training, at least. Definitely want one Thunderclap, here, then I want something else good for reaching Macciatus / Garrison. If the Raccoon had 4 attack, it might actually be useful here. Maybe Porcupine? I don’t want to tech Earthquake yet: Newsman can come back out to block Bird’s Nest, and he might actually die against Oni-backed aggression quickly. I’ll go for Whitestar Grappler for sidelining / killing Macciatus, and pick up Versatile Style later if I’m dealing with fliers.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bird’s Nest, Sparring Partner
T3: Thunderclap, Whitestar Grappler

Get paid - (7)
Worker - (6)
Maxband Rook - (3)
Smoker - (2)
Sparring Partner - (1)
Discard 2, draw 4

:psblueshield: Rook L8 4/6+1A (can ignore lone patrollers; two lives)
:ps_: Sparring Partner 2/2 (exhaust: ally with + rune gets one; 2g: ready, can’t attack this turn)
:target: Smoker 1/1 (resist 0+1; stealth; targeted: returns to hand)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5

Hand: 4

Fox Viper
Bird’s Nest
Grappling Hook
Saviour Monk

Deck: 0
Discard: 5

Aged Sensei
Whitestar Grappler
Morningstar Flagbearer

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 4 teched = 14
2 on board
4 in hand
0 in deck
5 in discard
3 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 8

5 x start
T1: Sensei’s Advice
T2: Fox Primus
T3: Safe Attacking

Maybe, I’m really bad with white, so I’m not sure what the best strats are, but I think your less out of it then you think (your getting to tech 2 first, and hopefully your tech plan is ready for that).


Tech StartingHand Workers

Drill Sergeant
Overeager Cadet

Traffic Director
Flagstone Garrison
Lawful Search
Free Speech

Bluecoat Musketeer
Porkhand Magistrate


Traffic Director
Building Inspector (1/1, your buildings cost 1 more)
Manufactured Truth
Reputable Newsman (0/3 + A)

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($8)
LS your hand, I draw - ($7)
Oni runs into Rook, dealing 2 and removing armour, levels fizzle
Quince - ($5)
Free Speach, Convincing Rook that they are infact human, and not a rock - ($3)
Hound #1 and Aven kill Rook, Quince to mid
Hound #2 kills Sparring Partner
Worker - ($2)

Float ($2)
Discard 2, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 1

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Quince (1/4 + A, lvl 3)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :pschip: Technician: Mirror (0/1)
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Spectral Aven (2/2, Flying, Illusion)
  • Spectral Hound (3/1, Illusion)


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 6
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 2
  • Workers: 8
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I don’t know, that Free Speech was pretty good.


Starting hand: 4

Fox Viper
Bird’s Nest
Grappling Hook
Saviour Monk


Ouch. 4 gold after teching up, that’s enough for either hero + Saviour Monk or midband Grave. The latter just does to a copied Aven, so I have to go for the Monk, even if Grave probably still dies.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bird’s Nest, Sparring Partner
T3: Thunderclap, Whitestar Grappler
T4: Doubling Barbarbarian, Whitestar Grappler

Get paid + scavenger - (9)
Worker - (8)
Tech II Strength - (4)
Grave Stormborne - (2)
Saviour Monk - (0)
Smoker trades with Spectral Hound
Discard 2, reshuffle 11, draw 4

:psblueshield: Saviour Monk 2/2+1A (healing 1)
:exhaust: Grave L1 2/3 (sparkshot)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Strength)

Hand: 4

Whitestar Grappler
Sparring Partner
Grappling Hook
Bird’s Nest

Deck: 7

Aged Sensei
Morningstar Flagbearer
Doubling Barbarbarian
Whitestar Grappler

Discard: 0
Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 6 teched = 16
1 on board
4 in hand
7 in deck
0 in discard
4 in workers

Gold: 0
Workers: 9

5 x start
T1: Sensei’s Advice
T2: Fox Primus
T3: Safe Attacking
T4: Fox Viper

free speech is still online. no spells allowed.

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I’ll just draw another card.

Actually, no, that’s a terrible idea. I’ll redo, hang on. EDIT: Fixed.

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I mean, it mainly just made it so that rook wasn’t an auto game win for you. but hey, this turn is really bad for me.


Tech StartingHand Workers

Flagstone Garrison
Overeager Cadet

Manufactured Truth
Reputable Newsman (0/3 + A)
Building Inspector (1/1, your buildings cost 1 more)
Traffic Director

Bluecoat Musketeer
Porkhand Magistrate
Building Inspector (1/1, your buildings cost 1 more)


Free Speech
Lawful Search
Drill Sergeant
Flagstone Garrison
Spectral Hound (3/3, Illusion)


Spectral Hound (3/1, Illusion)
Reputable Newsman (0/3 + A)
Manufactured Truth
Traffic Director
Flagstone Garrison
Overeager Cadet

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Worker - ($9)
Tech 2 (Peace) - ($5)
Quince and aven kill Saviour Monk

Float ($5)
Discard 3, draw 5

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :pschip: Technician: Mirror (0/1)
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Spectral Aven (2/2, Flying, Illusion)
  • Quince (1/2, lvl 3)


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Peace)

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 1
  • Disc: 6


  • Gold: 5
  • Workers: 9

That’s fair. Hounds are also really irritating, because they play well with two spec choices, so I have to prepare for both.


Starting hand: 4

Whitestar Grappler
Sparring Partner
Grappling Hook
Bird’s Nest


Just go for the kill before there’s a board flood, right? Free Speech can easily lock me up if I don’t take the board. Going really low on cards, but I’ve got heroes to feed next turn. Not sure what to tech, so I’ll take Martial Mastery for better cycling.

Teched cards: 2

T2: Bird’s Nest, Sparring Partner
T3: Thunderclap, Whitestar Grappler
T4: Doubling Barbarbarian, Whitestar Grappler
T5: Doubling Barbarbarian, Martial Mastery

Get paid - (9)
Grappling Hook, Mirror pops, you draw
Garus Rook - (7)
Grave kills Quince, takes 1 damage, hits level 3
Bird’s Nest, Birds arrive - (5)
Whitestar Grappler - (2)
Sparring Partner - (1)
Skip worker!
Discard 0, draw 2

:psfist: Bird #1 1+1/1 (flying)
:exhaust: Bird #2 1/1 (flying)

Grave L3 3/4 (sparkshot; readiness)
Rook L1 2/4
Whitestar Grappler 3/5 (exhaust: deal 4 to a unit, it hits Grappler if still alive, gets sidelined)
Sparring Partner 2/2 (exhaust; ally without a + rune gets one; 2g: readies, can’t attack this turn)

Bird’s Nest (channelled by Rook; Birds return at upkeep)

:heart: Base HP: 20
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Strength)

Hand: 2

Doubling Barbarbarian

Deck: 5

Aged Sensei
Morningstar Flagbearer
Whitestar Grappler

Discard: 4

Saviour Monk
Doubling Barbarbarian
Martial Mastery
Grappling Hook

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 8 teched = 18
3 on board
2 in hand
5 in deck
4 in discard
4 in workers

Gold: 1
Workers: 9

5 x start
T1: Sensei’s Advice
T2: Fox Primus
T3: Safe Attacking
T4: Fox Viper

Peace really doesnt seem fair., casually drawing 12 cards, playing 9 of them, and still having a full hand.


Tech StartingHand Workers

Drill Sergeant
Spectral Flagbearer

Free Speech
Drill Sergeant
Flagstone Garrison
Lawful Search
Spectral Hound (3/3, Illusion)
Overeager Cadet
Spectral Hound (3/1, Illusion)
Flagstone Garrison
Overeager Cadet
Reputable Newsman (0/3 + A)
Drill Sergeant
Manufactured Truth

Bluecoat Musketeer
Porkhand Magistrate
Building Inspector (1/1, your buildings cost 1 more)
Manufactured Truth


Flagstone Garrison
Lawful Search
Spectral Flagbearer
Free Speech
Traffic Director

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($14)
Tech Draw
Flagstone Garrison - ($11)
Drill Sergeant, I reshffule and Draw - ($8)
Overeager Cadet #1, I draw, Drill Sergeat Shouts
Hound #1, I draw, Drill Sergeat Shouts - ($7)
Overeager Cadet #2, I draw, Drill Sergeat Shouts
Hound #2, I draw, Drill Sergeat Shouts - ($6)
Drill Sergeant #2, first sergeant shouts more, I draw - ($3)
Newsman, Denouncing the evils of 2 cost spells, I draw, both segeants shout - ($1)
Move runes from one sergeant to another
Worker - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 3

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Spectral Aven (2/2, Flying, Illusion)
  • :psfist: Elite: Overeager Cadet (2/2)
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Overeager Cadet (2/2)
  • :pschip: Technician: Spectral Hound (3/3, Illusion)
  • :target: Lookout: Spectral Hound (3/3, Illusion)

In Play:

  • Flagstone Garrison (-/4)
  • Drill Sergeant #1 (7/7) ++++
  • Drill Sergeant #2 (6/6) +++
  • Reputable Newsman (0/3, Denoucing 2 cost spells/upgrades)


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Peace)

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

Edit 2: IMO, P1 Blue has the upper hand against P2 White and if White takes P1, Blue’s advantage (mainly due to White’s lack of option to efficiently get rid of Aven) would be neutered. Still, I think overall Blue is favored in this match up.