Cards' score ranking system

In mtg, tiers are really just the card costs of cards. If you can cheat a 9 cost into play early, that’s like using skeletal lords ability to cheat in a tech 3. A 0-2 cost is tier 0 or 1, a 3-6 is tier 2 and a 7+ is tier 3. Most games are decided at tier 2, and getting out a tier 3 is often game ending. There happen to be ways of cheating in tier 3 on turn 2, in certain formats, or cards that are exponentially more valuable in synergy, but I think generally the analogy holds up.

I think in MtG tech-0 is cost 0-1 mana, tech-1 costs 2-3 mana, tech 2 costs 4-5 mana and tech 3 costs 6+ mana (and can’t be played normally without mana boost).

Each tech in Codex add “cost” as 1 color mana. And each 2 golds is equal nearly 1 mana.
Best example is Serra Avenger in MtG (WW for 3/3 flying vigilance can’t be first 3 turns - so its real cost is seen like 4 but with discount of 2) which is tech-2 unit, cheap as like as Lizard 3/5 but strong for his cost.

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