Would love to go for BB but it’s too early. And with this split Bogre into Bombaster is just too strong to pass on this opportunity. Only Messenger is missing in the next hand for it to be a perfect start, but this still should be enough to punish black starter’s lack of proper units with 2 defense that a multicolor P1 can play in turn 2.
Thanks, although I don’t think the opponent’s play speed has been the problem…
Starting hand: 5
Jandra, the Negator
Thieving Imp
Skeletal Archery
Summon Skeletons
Damn it, I don’t want to give Vandy kill levels already, but I’m going to struggle with a defence with this hand. I think I just have to play a Skeleton here, and delay the Graveyard. Pinging the Ogre hopefully gives me enough leeway here. I should be safe to not use the Lookout now, and float, if Moby’s not opening with a red hero for Scorch.
Teched cards: 2
T2: 2 x Bone Collector
Get paid - (5)
Worker - (4)
Expensive Tech I - (2)
Garth summons Skeleton #2 - (1)
Pestering Haunt suicides into Bloodrage Ogre for 1
Float 1
Discard 4, reshuffle 10, draw 5
Skeleton #1 1/1+1A Skeleton #2 1/1
Garth 1/3 (1g, once per turn: summon a Skeleton)
Base HP: 20 Tech I HP: 5
Hand: 5
Skeleton Javelineer
Bone Collector
Pestering Haunt
Summon Skeletons
Deck: 5
Sacrifice the Weak
Bone Collector
Thieving Imp
Skeletal Archery
Discard: 0
Card-count details (opponent-viewable)
Expected: 10 + 2 teched = 12
0 on board
5 in hand
5 in deck
0 in discard
2 in workers
Gold: 1
Workers: 6
4 x start
T1: Poisonblade Rogue
T2: Jandra, the Negator
No jav, no det makes it easy for me. Black starter has a problem in multi decks. Firebats trade well against BC which I expect. Mouse likes to tech doom grasp so I have to be careful with meta
Yeah, I’m suddenly starting to feel that this tournament.
Starting hand: 5
Skeleton Javelineer
Bone Collector
Pestering Haunt
Summon Skeletons
The problem with going wide, i.e. Skeleton Spam, is that Fire gives Moby great access to backline damage, so Skeleton Lords are too vulnerable. Necromancers, however, might be good with the threat of Drakk, and later I can threaten Wights for Vandy.
Sacrifice the Weak
Thieving Imp
Skeletal Archery
Teched cards: 2
T2: 2 x Bone Collector
T3: 2 x Necromancer
T4: Captured Bugblatter, Corpse Catapult
Get paid + 2 float - (9)
Maxband Zane, shoves Nautical Dog to scavenger and kills, we both get a gold - (5)
Zane kills Firebat, takes 3 damage
Bone Collector trades with Vandy, levels fizzle, Skeleton arrives
Worker - (4)
Tech II Necromancy - (0)
Discard 3, draw 1, reshuffle 11, draw 4
Well played. Stupid mistake, I always forget about getting gold via Zane. It is completely open again. Necro is very interesting, I don’t think I have ever played against it in a tournament.
P1 [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood vs. P2 [Fire]/Blood/Demonology
OK that was a stupid mistake in the patrol. And it was even lying before my turn and not cards from the hand…
Necro is very interesting. I don’t know what I have to expect. But I think it is always connected with a lot of skeletons, so let’s combine with bugblatters.
Unfortanutely I have to be very careful with heroes…
Necromancy II is often too slow in multicolour, I think, but there are situations where it shines.
Starting hand: 5
Bone Collector
Summon Skeletons
Bone Collector
Sacrifice the Weak
Skeletal Archery
There a few things I’d like to do here, and I can’t afford all of them.
Get those Collectors down (4 gold)
Get Summon Skeletons down to start the spam (at least 4 gold)
Reduce Moby’s board with Sacrifice the Weak and a Zane trade (Garth + StW = 4 gold)
I suppose it all depends on a bit on what I draw, if I kill Jaina. Do I want to kill Jaina? That means Vandy can come back. If not, I could play StW with Zane instead for just 3 gold, then I have 4 gold to put both Bone Collectors down. Maybe skip a worker for the Tech Lab, too. No, let’s kill Jaina so there’s less incoming damage. It’s one less Collector, but I can get a Tech Lab down.
Teched cards: 2
T2: 2 x Bone Collector
T3: 2 x Necromancer
T4: Captured Bugblatter, Corpse Catapult
T5: Captured Bugblatter, Kidnapping
Get paid - (8)
Garth Torken - (6)
Sacrifice the Weak, Skeleton dies, Firebat dies - (4)
Zane trades with Jaina, we both draw 1, Drakk hits level 3, Garth hits level 3
Technician draw: 1
Captured Bugblatter
Well, less rush on a Tech Lab, now. Hoping I can get away without Summon Skeletons, I think holding onto Skeletal Archery is more important in case of Firebirds.
Worker - (3)
Bone Collector - (1)
Garth summons a Skeleton - (0)
Discard 3, draw 5
Bone Collector 3/3+1A (attacks: gain a Skeleton) Skeleton 1/1
Garth L3 1/3 (1g, once per turn: gain a Skeleton)
Base HP: 20 Tech I HP: 5 Tech II HP: 5 (Necromancy)
Hand: 5
Skeleton Javelineer
Corpse Catapult
Deck: 1
Discard: 6
Captured Bugblatter
Sacrifice the Weak
Skeletal Archery
Bone Collector
Captured Bugblatter
Card-count details (opponent-viewable)
Expected: 10 + 8 teched = 18
1 on board
5 in hand
1 in deck
6 in discard
5 in workers
Gold: 0
Workers: 9
4 x start
T1: Poisonblade Rogue
T2: Jandra, the Negator
T3: Pestering Haunt
T4: Thieving Imp
T5: Summon Skeletons
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Worker - ($9)
Vandy - ($7)
Drakk to maxband - ($4)
Bugblatter trades SL - ($1)
Mad man trades scavenger - ($0)
Drakk kills Garth, Vandy to midband
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Vandy L3 (3/4)
In Play:
Drakk L6 (3/3)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Fire)
Tech Lab HP: 4 (Blood)
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 2
Disc: 7
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
Lots of thinking involved here, the solution space from tech break to firehouse was very large, but unfortunately firehouse has to wait. the current situation is too fragile and Garth too big of a threat and also defending against a possible kidnapping is a huge pain.
Skeleton Javelineer
Corpse Catapult
Bugblatters, eh? Definitely not those Kidnappings. Between that, Firebird, and Firehouse, Moby has a lot of countering options. One Hotter Fire lets Firehouse/Firebat kill Skeleton Lords, two lets them kill Necromancers, and each one helps Firebird/Bloodlust kill Skeletons past one Skeleton Lord. I’m not sure it’s worth taking Skeleton Lords, in that case. Hooded Executioners might be good, though, since Moby’s units will tend to be larger than mine.
Drawing Necromancers and Catapult all at the same time is awkward. I’d like to get the Catapult down to deal with Firehouse, but I think the larger priority is to get Necromancers + Javelineer down to get myself some Skeletons on the board. No technician bonus, because having the Necromancers next to each other would let Drakk and Vandy’s sparkshot kill whichever one Vandy doesn’t take out.
Teched cards: 2
T2: 2 x Bone Collector
T3: 2 x Necromancer
T4: Captured Bugblatter, Corpse Catapult
T5: Captured Bugblatter, Kidnapping
T6: Kidnapping, Hooded Executioner
Skeleton Javelineer 1/1+1A (javelin rune; remove javelin: gets long-range this turn) Necromancer #1 3/3 (long-range; friendly non-token unit dies: gain a Skeleton) Necromancer #2 3/3 (resist 0+1; long-range; friendly non-token unit dies: gain a Skeleton)
Base HP: 18 Tech I HP: 5 Tech II HP: 5 (Necromancy)
Hand: 3
Bone Collector
Captured Bugblatter
Deck: 8
Captured Bugblatter
Sacrifice the Weak
Skeletal Archery
Bone Collector
Hooded Executioner
Corpse Catapult
Discard: 0
Card-count details (opponent-viewable)
Expected: 10 + 10 teched = 20
3 on board
3 in hand
8 in deck
0 in discard
6 in workers
Crashbarrow (6/2)
Hotter Fire
Captured Bugblatter (4/2)
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
Firebat kills SL, Skels for you - ($8)
Drakk trades Scav, Skel for you, 1 damage on your base
Vandy kills lookout
Dog - ($7)
Maxband Vandy, doom Dog and Skel - ($5)
Tech3 - ($0)
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 2
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Technician: Nautical Dog (3/3) doomed
In Play:
Vandy L5 (4/5)
Firebat (3/2)
Base HP: 20
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Fire)
Tech III HP: 5
Tech Lab HP: 4 (Blood)
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 9
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
Again very difficult turn. I don’t get fire running. Although Mouse is down on cards, zane, maxband drakk and kidnapping are still a very big risk and can turn the game. Hotter fire has to wait as well. Need the same strategy like against Dwarddd. Give Mouse too many targets to choose and tech 3 to keep him constantly busy. It will not be a bluff but, so good that I can still tech in the new cycle. Now I have a good mix of different tech cards.
Hasted Lord is the worst, kidnapping the second worst because double tech break is possible… I don’t understand why he did not put Necro on technician. Sparkshot? The low hand size is my biggest advantage.
I can put it on techncian I think midband Drakk will come anyway.
I keep forgetting the part about Necromancers not turning themselves into Skeletons, that’s no fun…
Starting hand: 3
Bone Collector
Captured Bugblatter
OK, I definitely want midband Drakk here for the Skeletons to do some damage. That’s 5 gold, 6 left to spend, 8 damage on the board. Maxband and Bone Collector for 4 gold gives me another 4 attack, and an extra Skeleton to patrol with.
I think this is a good turn to take out Tech II: it stops the really nasty Blood/Fire cards coming out, it prevents another hero in the unlikely event of a Metamorphosis, and I keep more of my own army alive in the meantime.
Doomed Skeleton trades with Dog, maxband Drakk (4), Bone Collector (2) and Skeleton destroy Tech II, one Skeleton left to trade with Firebat. I have Drakk, Bone Collector, and two Skeletons and Vandy. Last two gold goes to a Graveyard or a Tech Lab, or a blocking hero.
Midband Zane (6) trades with Dog, midband Drakk (1), doomed Skeleton and a normal Skeleton destroy Tech II, Skeleton trades with Firebat. I have Drakk and one Skeleton once the doom kicks in, so this is no good.
Maxband Zane trades with Dog in scavenger (5), midband Drakk - (0), then same as before.
I can’t quite kill Vandy to save on Drakk levels, so plan 1 it is. Zane is safe to use as a chump blocker, since Moby is stuck on a single hero that’s already at max level. I don’t think there’s a great patrol setup here: the Skeleton is vulnerable to Mad Man/Rambaster outside of SQL, and to Scorch inside it, and Zane is vulnerable to Scorch if he’s not in SQL. Scorch isn’t fantastic use of gold/card at this stage, though, so maybe that’s not so bad. Still, I don’t want Mad Man + Scorch to open up Drakk to a kill from Vandy, so Zane goes in SQL, and Skeleton goes in scavenger for more economy. Ideally the Skeleton survives to keep the Necromancy roll going, but I’m not hopeful.
Teched cards: 0
T2: 2 x Bone Collector
T3: 2 x Necromancer
T4: Captured Bugblatter, Corpse Catapult
T5: Captured Bugblatter, Kidnapping
T6: Kidnapping, Hooded Executioner
Get paid + scavenger - (11)
Drakk Ramhorn - (9)
Maxband Drakk - (4)
Bone Collector, Drakk gives it haste - (2)
Doomed Skeleton trades with Nautical Dog, you draw
Bone Collector and a Skeleton destroy Tech II, your base to 18, third Skeleton arrives
Skeleton trades with Firebat
Captain Zeno Zane - (0)
Discard 2, draw 4
Drakk L6 (dies: 1 to your base; units have +1 attack; first unit played from hand each turn gains haste)
Bone Collector 3/3 (haste; Drakk: frenzy 1; attacks: gain a Skeleton)
Skeleton #2 1/1 (Drakk: frenzy 1)
Base HP: 17 Tech I HP: 5 Tech II HP: 5 (Necromancy)
Hand: 4
Captured Bugblatter
Bone Collector
Corpse Catapult
Deck: 4
Sacrifice the Weak
Skeletal Archery
Hooded Executioner
Nautical Dog (3/3) doomed
Firebat (3/2)
Hotter Fire
Flame Arrow
Dark Pact
Captured Bugblatter (4/2)
Crashbarrow (6/2)
Firehouse (4)
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
Fetch & play DP - ($8)
Dragon, Flame Arrow on Drakk from Codex - ($1)
Mad man - ($0)
Rebuild Tech 2
Float ($0)
Discard 4, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Elite: Mad Man (1/1)
Technician: Cinderblast Dragon (6/6)
In Play:
Vandy L5 (4/5)
Base HP: 15
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Fire)
Tech III HP: 5
Tech Lab HP: 4 (Blood)
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 1
Disc: 9
Gold: 0
Workers: 10
Yes, Mouse guessed right. With almost all my tech 2 units after technician draw, I could have started the bugblatter hotter fire combination. With all his skel he can draw enough for stw. I will have a problem with the lord. Should have probably teched the blood pirate.
Nothing to think about this turn, not after technician draw, not after DP.