CAMS24 Round 3 Player 1, Turn 2
P1 Finesse/Blood/Fire vs P2 [Demon]/Strength/Growth
Card changes in effect for the tourney linked here
Starting Hand
Helpful Turtle
Brick Thief
Timely Messenger
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (5)
- Tech 2 cards each turn (except turn 1)
All Teched Cards
Nimble Fencer, Lobber
- Timely Messenger, runs into Jandra (4)
- River trades Jandra
- Tenderfoot pings your base to 19
- Drakk (2)
- Worker (1)
- Tech 1 (0)
Fruit Ninja
- Patrol as below
- Discard 3 Draw 5
- Maybe Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
- Base HP: 20
- Tech1 HP: 5
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Drakk (1/3a lvl 1)
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician:
- Lookout:
In Play:
- Tenderfoot (1/2)
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 4
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 0
- Workers: 6
End of Turn Hand
Timely Messenger
Older Brother
Nimble Fencer
Granfalloon Flagbearer
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Well, I’ll take that even trade on Jandra for a little base damage. Lobber did me well in game 1, am thinking Tech 2 for Maestro is the perfect compliment for Maestro, lockdown into tech 3. Otherwise I don’t have enough card draw to run HH Tech 1, especially when dancers would be shut down by deteriorate