Sacrifice the Weak
Skeleton Javelineer
Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Jandra, the Negator - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 5
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
Elite: Jandra (3+1)/3, overpower, death burst
In Play:
Base HP: 20
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 0
Disc: 3
Gold: 1
Workers: 6
I’m not having much success this tournament so far! I think a combination of being v out of practice in forum play and (because of that) having picked a suboptimal combo after only 3 mins thought. Oops! I think whatever thr cause, I have been lacking proactive plays - walls don’t matter much if you go invisible or start dropping bombs when given enough time. Well, what now. Bloom and Messenger can both give +1 to his swing next turn, as can River levels. So: I can Jandra SQL. He would have to trade in tf and play bloom, but then she just dies and River survives. Jandra Elite; would trade with his current board, with or without bloom, or with river and madman. Or it gets withered and just trades with river. Then he has tf and maybe something else to swing or defend. Or he leaves her and puts river in SQL and then I… struggle to swing back? Play Imp? Alts. Hero ± skeleton. Arg - then next turn I can chuck a 2 atk javelin next turn. SQL arg can die like SQL Jandra except it is worse, unless I level him. Which means no jav, and only a wisp to buff. Arg behind wisp is fine but leads nowhere. Vandy behind skeleton is whatever. Midband Vandy SQL is killed by bloom/wither + madman and trade two units, and then gives 2 levels to river. Rook + SQL jav is hardest to kill, but again leaves me without many plays. I feel like out of what I have said, Jandra elite actually trades the best without giving him potential levels, gives me heroes for next turn, and lets me keep a gold. Need to find THREATS.
Well, I’ll take that even trade on Jandra for a little base damage. Lobber did me well in game 1, am thinking Tech 2 for Maestro is the perfect compliment for Maestro, lockdown into tech 3. Otherwise I don’t have enough card draw to run HH Tech 1, especially when dancers would be shut down by deteriorate
Squad Leader: PBR (2/1A) - attacks with armour piercing and poison
Scavenger: Wisp (0/1)
In Play:
Base HP: 19
Tech I HP: 5
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 5
Deck: 4
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 7
I Tech I. His swing now: 2 on the board. Lobbers, bloom, madman, wither, and drakk levels possible, plus theoretically Drakk spells (nah), and 5 gold after worker. So if he draws say a lobber and another thing, it’s like 3 to 4 attack more. Max 7, for lobber lobber midband, or 6 if one of those is a madman. Hmm. My options: Imp SQL doesn’t seem great - or does it? It should trade with at least two attacks? Apart from bloom/wither lobber, which would be pretty sad. That really leaves hero ± x. Rook SQL: dies to bloom lobber trade tf hit with drakk, levels to drakk (instead of 3dmg to one of my buildings, as in the imp line). The PBR add: in SQL, trades with an ordinary lobber, but then rook in the back survives unless there is another lobber. Vandy solo midband sql again dies to any addition of 3 atk, but at least trades drakk if he has to be used. PBL + arg wisp in an eco position is nice as long as I have something to ramp into. Killed by +4 attack, so 2 lobbers or a lobber and two of the others. So: gargoyles? usefull for backline lobbers but too slow. Baron? My win con here should be T2 first somehow, so no. Glinda? no mm. Panda? not too bad really, 4/4 for 2 at a delay. Boulder? Lobbers go over, as I learnt. mm? too slow. Spells? buffs need a target - pandas? - all need a sticking hero, which at the moment is arg or rook. let’s consider a big alt. Maxbandy? Nothing on my side to buff.
Nimble Fencer, it and Drakk take 1 and kill Arg, Drakk to level 3 (1)
Tenderfoot hits your tech1 to 4hp
Worker (0)
Older Brother, Spark, Fruit Ninja
Patrol as below
Discard 1 Draw 3
Maybe Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
Base HP: 20
Tech1 HP: 5
In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
In Play:
Drakk (1/2 lvl 3)
Nimble Fencer (2/2)
Timely Messenger (1/1)
Tenderfoot (1/2)
Economy Info:
Hand: 3
Deck: 1
Disc: 4
Gold: 0
Workers: 7
End of Turn Hand
Helpful Turtle
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
This looks pretty solid for me. James doesn’t have a strong hero counter so War Drums could be a strong angle here, but so could the tech 2 plan. Fencer and Desperation will be good either way, we’ll see if it’s gonna be lobber, starlet, discord, maestro, desperation, or war drums next. Probably a mix of two of those, though
Well damn, I forgot wither would just kill PBR. I was going to probably use the elemental. And I would much prefer a t1 I could patrol right now - baron or boulder! Withou boulder I could even tech up. Now he is going to midband Drakk for frenzy and sadness for me. I have to play panda I think so that I can hit back. With frenzy, his messenger killd my wisp, and then he hits for 5 plus whatever he plays (lobber or fencer) for another 3. So 8. I can get down 4 with a hero, and also kill the mm with a deteriorate.
War Drums, Maestro
Nimble Fencer, Desperation
Nimble Fencer, Lobber
Drakk to midband (6)
Fencer kills SQL
Lobber, it suicides into Rook (5)
Drakk kills Rook, maxbands and heals, you draw 1
Worker (4)
Tech 2 Finesse (0)
Helpful Turtle, Older Brother, Spark, Fruit Ninja
Patrol as below
Discard 1 Draw 1 rs Draw 2
Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
Base HP: 20
Tech1 HP: 5
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Tenderfoot (1/2a)
In Play:
Drakk (3/4 lvl 6)
Nimble Fencer (2/2)
Economy Info:
Hand: 3
Deck: 7
Disc: 0
Gold: 0
Workers: 8
End of Turn Hand
Brick Thief
Timely Messenger
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
I originally wrote this turn up going Desperation War Drums and playing Turtle + HH skip worker, going for broke. I’m still not fully convinced that isn’t the play, but I’m in really good position and there doesn’t seem to be a need to do that. Inside track on Tech 2 with a ton of pressure coming is plenty solid. I’m going to lean on that
I need Vandy to cast the Soulstones next turn, so can’t play her this turn. I cannot tech up, for I would die. I cannot do what I originally thought as panda is more expensive than I remembered. I could midband Arg for a health, but if I don’t, maybe I ever tech up next turn? But maestro fencers are coming to wreck my stuff anyway. Wah.
No worries. Think this is game; though I am just shy of properly finishing this turn it should be checkmate with Lobber, Brick Thief, and Drakk all capable of the 1 extra damage next turn.
Brick Thief, haste from Drakk, hit your base to 18 (6)
Timely Messenger (5)
Desperation, draw 3
War Drums, +4atk all units (3)
Lobber, +5atk all units (2)
Bloom Lobber (0)
Lobber kills SQL, takes 2
Drakk kills Arg, takes 2, levels fizzle
Messenger kills Scav, you get 1g
Tenderfoot kills Techn, you draw 1
Fencer hits your base for 8, now at 10
Brick Thief hits your base for 8, deals 1 additional from ability, your base to 1
Helpful Turtle, Older Brother, Spark, Fruit Ninja
Patrol as below
Discard 0 Draw 2
Tech 2 cards after your turn
Board Info:
Base HP: 20
Tech1 HP: 5
In Patrol:
Squad Leader:
In Play:
Drakk (3/2 lvl 6)
War Drums
Nimble Fencer (2+5/2)
Tenderfoot (1+5/2)
Timely Messenger (1+5/1)
Lobber (2+5/1, +)
Brick Thief (2+5/1)
Economy Info:
Hand: 2
Deck: 2
Disc: 3
Gold: 0
Workers: 8
End of Turn Hand
Granfalloon Flagbearer
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Depending on whether I get War Drums, this could be nearly lethal. I’m grabbing Starlet and Discord which should help me finish if we get to that point…
Yepo, got the war drums AND lobber Drakk just doing Drakk things with hasty backup, I tried to find lethal but couldn’t quite get there. Need the attacker on Panda to survive and there’s no candidate w/o Bloom, Fencer draw woulda done it but this was about as good a draw as you could have asked for.
DSG is a known good deck, but has definitely been weakened by the forum rules.
You could probably look up some matches of it from several years ago to see it in its prime.