[CAMS24] Round2: P1 Bryce_the_Rice [Finesse]/Discipline/Strength vs P2 FrozenStorm [Finesse]/Blood/Fire

Just Drakk things babeee :slight_smile: your base on 17 from his death btw

CAMS24 Round 2 Player 2, Turn 5

P2 Finesse/Blood/Fire vs P1 [Finesse]/Discipline/Strength

Card changes in effect for the tourney linked here

Starting Hand

Nimble Fencer
Granfalloon Flagbearer
Brick Thief
Timely Messenger
Star-Crossed Starlet (techn)

Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (8)
  • Draw 1 techn
  • Tech 2 cards each turn (except turn 1)
All Teched Cards

Desperation, Star-Crossed Starlet
Maestro, Star-Crossed Starlet
Maestro, Nimble Fencer
Nimble Fencer, Discord


  • River (6)
  • Nimble Fencer (4)
  • Star-Crossed Starlet (2)
  • Fencers and Starlet trade with Grave, River to level 3
  • Timely Messenger, trades with your fencer (1)
  • Tenderfoot hits your tech2 to 4hp
  • Worker (0)

Granfalloon Flagbearer, Spark, Helpful Turtle, Fruit Ninja

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 2 Draw 4
  • Maybe Tech 2 cards after your turn

Board Info:


  • :heart: Base HP: 17
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech2 HP: 5 FINESSE

In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: River (2/4a lvl 3)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:

  • Tenderfoot (1/2)

Economy Info:


  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 1
  • Disc: 8


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 9

End of Turn Hand

Older Brother

End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts

Well whiff not so bad now… I can take out Grave (expensive but I mean he’s a huge threat) and the fencer, minimizes the threat of getting hit back, and go Maestro + Tech 3 next turn, permanently threaten that, meanwhile I have tons of T1/T2 stuff and desperation to fish for it? Could work…