Name, purple vs Garth-red P1T2
P1 [Past]/Present/Future vs. P2 [Necromancy]/Anarchy/Blood
Link to all relevant rule changes
Tech StartingHand Workers
Seer (2/1)
Knight of the Conclave (4/4, fc3)
Battle Suits
Forgotten Fighter
Time Spiral
Nullcraft (1/1)
Hardened Mox (1/1)
Neo Plexus (2/2)
Forgotten Fighter
Hardened Mox (1/1)
Battle Suits
Time Spiral
Fading Argonaut (2/3, fade 3)
Nullcraft (1/1)
Tech 2 card(s)
Upkeep Plas fc 2
Get Paid + float - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Prynn (1; 1/3; fade 4) - ($3)
Cast Time Spiral (Plas is now FC 1) - ($2)
Tech 1 building - ($1)
Float ($1)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5
Board Info:
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Prynn (1; 1/3; fade 4)
In Play:
- Plasmodium (4/4, fc 1)
Base HP: 20
Economy Info:
- Hand: 5
- Deck: 4
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 1
- Workers: 6
(This) turn: Mox (which will be late, and much less useful; probable worker),
Nullcraft (still a good attacker) (2)
Suits (kinda want) (2) (does not have to be now)
Forgotten fighter (ehh…)Time Spiral (… maybe …) (2+1)
Good (this) turn play: Prynn (2), Null (2), Spiral (1), worker (1)So float 1 gold this turn.
For worker: Temp research and Tinkerer are potentiallly useful. Fading is for the rememberers strategy. Elimination makes it Neo.
So for worker this turn: Forgotten fighter does not target 3 attack t1. Nor T0 attack 3. Sheesh. Worker.
Moving forward: The plan is …
He can kill off one HP units. So Present relying on Chrono fixer and gate disciple is a bad choice. Present magic can get units from codex. In particular, it returns cards to hand, so that restores card draw. It refreshes seer/time tokens.
End game plans: Rock thrower (ok, time rocks) (Tricycloid) can not only take care of pests, IT BUFFS. All the time manipulation can make it more powerful.
Rememberers exchange for void star, tricycloid (Both of which buff), hyperion, and Xenostalker (the anti-skeleton). And if I have one rememberer, it remembers the other one.
Yes, this may bloat my deck. :-)Note: Temporal distortion (remove a unit to bring in a new one) goes with Second Chances (return unit to play). Tricycloid’s “leave and return for another set of rocks” only works if I have that, as I can only play it from codex. (Or, … tech lab, I suppose).
Now, plan for next turn and tech. I will have 6 gold come in.
Worker (5)Tech 1 (4)
78% change of getting at least one of my techs.
50% chance of either specifically.both … about 25%?
What do I want to play next turn, ideally?
I will have 3 time tokens (prynn forecast), so for 2 gold I get back to 5 cards.
2 more gold lets me do … 0 cost forecast and time token games.