CAMS23 Game 4 Player 1, Turn 4
P1 [Bashing]/Balance/Growth vs P2 Necro/Blood/Truth
Current balance patch changes in effect
Starting Hand
Older Brother
Iron Man
Brick Thief
Events of Turn:
- Get Gold (7)
- Tech 2 cards (except turn 1)
All Teched Cards
Blooming Ancient x2
Moment’s Peace, Might of Leaf and Claw
Tiny Basilisk, Iron Man
- Troq Trades SQL, pings tech2 to 4hp
- Worker (6)
- Tech 2 Growth (2)
Brick Thief, Spark, Fruit Ninja, Helpful Turtle
- Patrol as below
- Discard 2 Draw 1 rs Draw 3
Board Info:
- Base HP: 19
- Tech1 HP: 5
- Tech2 HP: 5 GROWTH
In Patrol:
- Squad Leader: Tiny Basilisk (1/2a)
- Elite:
- Scavenger:
- Technician: Tenderfoot (1/1)
- Lookout: Granfalloon Flagbearer (2/2)
In Play:
Economy Info:
- Hand: 4
- Deck: 5
- Disc: 0
- Gold: 2
- Workers: 8
End of Turn Hand
Moment’s Peace
Blooming Ancient
Iron Man
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Who knows if this works XD