Well certainly but when do they “unlock” from the last time you locked them?
Rule book pages 7 and 8 say the following:
During your main phase, you can move unit and heroes into and out of your patrol zone
however you like and rearrange them however you like, but they don’t actually count as patrollers (or even count as being in those slots) until they’re locked in. When you end your main phase, your patrollers are locked in until your next turn.
Parts of a Turn
Now that you know how the game system works, we can put it all together and see what you do each turn
Ready (straighten) any exhausted (sideways) cards that you have in play.
Get 1 gold for each of your workers.
Also do anything that any card tells you to do during your upkeep.
Main Phase
This is the bulk of your turn. You can do these things in any order:
“Until your next turn” doesn’t specify what phase of your next turn, but I think kind of implies pre-upkeep and this post from Barrelfish seems to suggest as much as well. I’ll keep the Starlets in patrol anyway JIC you find your way past Vandy and trying to get to my tech buildings