Balance Patch 2.1

Well, with Frozen’s current turn I do see how reducing the stats of Hyperion might as well do the trick. But this will then not weaken the insane Tric & TD & Max flicker combos.
But doing both stats nerfs before we increase the gold cost of TD might indeed be worth a shot.

For reference - 12 instant damage with a 4/4 body and a Midband Max for only 9 Gold… That’s just not very balanced…

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So far we nerfed mainly combinations and single cards. Going now one step further makes sense. Present, finesse and peace are the strongest tech2 and should be dealed with in one shot.

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Ooft a timely example indeed

I still think TD gold is the cleanest and most direct burst reduction (and the above game does really showcase how cheap that burst is) but I’m happy to try @dwarddd’s suggestion given his extensive experience with purple.

Only questions would then be, do we nerf both Hyp and Tric at once? And should it be hyp to 3/5, 4/4 or 3/4 in the first iteration?

I think the Finesse and Peace changes you summarised @zango seem fine to move to the next ruleset

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Basically all I’m saying is that I think the stats nerf is also v clean and effective, and where nerfing TD makes me sad and want to play Present less (and definitely pair Max with other specs less :frowning: ), nerfing the stats make me grit my teeth and go ‘sick, more constraints on my favourite lil puzzle, exciting to test all the new precise boundaries and matchups’

To answer your question, considering we need to appease the people who want to move TD to 3g, let’s go hard and do 3/4 hype, 3/2 tric?


Hyperion at 3/4 is way way worse. I think it’s ok to just remove a little health. Small changes folks, let’s not over correct.
Yes I get mad about stuff but I don’t want it to be unplayable!

Yeah I think 4/4 is actually perfect. The problem with Hyperion isn’t the 5 attack, it’s that it can survive most encounters and flicker back with present tricks. If it can’t survive as easily I think it isn’t as much if a nuisance


Awesome, seems like we now have many voices that prefer -0/-1 to Hyperion over +1g for TD, what I’m not sure it’s what the majority thinks about in parallel going -0/-1 for Tric.
I would definitely prefer to also nerf Tric in this first iteration of nerfing present.
There are just so many games, where an early Tric flicker turn seals the deal without even needing Hyperion. And one defense less at least provides some theoretical chance to easier remove this tech 2 unit from the table in order to at least prevent flickering in the next turn.

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I think we need to do both at once so we properly target our nerf at TD combos/value, as opposed to just at Hyperion

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