Anyone interested in the foil aces?

I don’t really expect to meet anyone irl to play this game, so a while back I sold my Yomi stuff (still got it on Steam at least). I still have a random lot that I bought on ebay a while back, which turned out to contain a complete EX powerup expansion (without the red box sleeve though), 2 decks (Geiger and Valerie) and most weirdly of all, a complete set of the foil aces from the kickstarter campaign.

Is anyone interested in this, per chance? I’d like to get rid of all the stuff at once if possible, since I don’t really have any use for keeping any of the parts really. I’m open for offers.

Be advised I live in Europe though, so shipping cost may also be a factor.

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Helllo @boreas

I haven’t posted in this forum in years, but I recently decided to complete my own Yomi collection. I bought the EX Powerup expansion back when Yomi was on Kickstarter… but I only bought the the Season 1 characters, back then.

While I new have all of the Season 2 characters, I do not have the Foil Aces for the Season 2 characters. Your post came at just the right time! I would like to purchase the Foil Aces for the Season 2 characters from you. (These are characters on the right-half of the EX Powerup box, from Quince and Onimaru to Vendetta and Zane).

Happy to pay for it, although I’m not looking to purchase everything you’ve got… just the Foil Aces . Let me know if that’s alright with you!


I would def. be more happy if someone wants the entire lot, but if no one else is interested I would consider that. Maybe pm me with an offer for the S2 Aces? And I’d need to know where you are located so I can know what the shipping cost would be.

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Sure thing! I’m in no rush, and respect if you’d like to wait for more offers to roll in. I’ll PM you an offer.

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Foil Aces have now been sold to Cypher. If anyone still needs the EX expansion, I’d let that go for cheap.

I’m considering to buy the ex pack. You can PM me the price you’d want and country to see shipping costs.

@KevAshTao Can you tell me what country you’re in? I can’t figure out how to PM someone here…

Everything is now gone! Thanks to the buyers :slight_smile:


Physical-Yomi-stuff related, does anyone have the Rook/Grave playmat in pristine condition with an interest to sell it? :smiley: