Tournament Rules Templates

Counterpick Cake

(credit to @feathers for the inspiration)


  • Double elimination
  • Best of 5
  • Medium timer
  • Double KO is a win for both players, unless it would cause one player to win the match. In that case, it counts as a win for the player not on match-point. If both players are on match-point, then replay the game at the same handicap.
  • Character Selection
    • Each player will pick a character at the start of the tournament, either publicly, or by PMing the TO (@vengefulpickle). They will use that character for all games in the tournament.
    • At the start of a match, one player will be selected as the first bidder. They will choose an amount of life to handicap either character being played by (That character is considered to have lost the game if they go below that life total, and must concede). The other player then chooses which side of the handicapped matchup to play.
    • After each game, the player who won may propose a new handicap, and their opponent chooses which side of the MU to play.
    • For example, if @vengefulpickle (playing BBB for the tournament) matches up against @mysticjuicer (playing Troq for the tournament like a goon), and @vengefulpickle is handicapping first, I might choose “Handicap BBB by 5 life” (because I don’t think BBB has much of an advantage over Troq). @mysticjuicer could then decide to play Troq against BBB-5, or play BBB-5 against Troq.
    • FAQ:
      • Can you set both characters to 1 health? No, you only modify the life of one character, and it resets on counterpick.
      • Can you handicap at 0 (no health modification)? Yes.
  • Matches will be played weekly!
  • No EX characters
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