Tournament Rules Templates

Salary Cap Yomi


  • Double elimination
  • Best of 5
  • Medium timer
  • Double KO is a win for both players, unless it would cause one player to win the match. In that case, it counts as a win for the player not on match-point. If both players are on match-point, then replay the game, cycling back to the top of the set.
  • No EX characters
  • Match Pick Rules
    • At the start of the tournament, each player will announce either publicly in the main thread, or privately to the TO, a set of 5 characters. The values for those 5 characters must add up to less than or equal to 18 :ps_:. (The price list is listed below)
    • Within 24 hours of a match pairing being decided (based on the time of the match report), each player may decide to change their stable by sending a PM to the TO. New matches won’t be scheduled until after this 24 hour window. (This means if you play earlier than your future opponent, you’ll have more time to choose a new stable).
    • When the match scheduling thread is posted, the exact matchups to be played will be randomized and sent in the initial invite.
    • After the first round seeds are announced, you have 24 hours to change your stable.

@cpat’s Bargain Basement

Budget: 18 :ps_:

Cost Cast
7 :ps_: :zane: :troq:
6 :ps_: :degrey: :grave: :geiger:
5 :ps_: :setsuki: :onimaru: :lum:
4 :ps_: :argagarg: :valerie:
3 :ps_: :persephone: :menelker:
2 :ps_: :quince: :midori: :vendetta:
1 :ps_: :rook: :jaina: :gloria:
0 :ps_: :gwen: :bbb:
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