Here’s a default build order for red, works going first or second, and is kind of mid-range, and good against green specifically. Build your Tech 2 Fire on turn 4 (thats at 8 workers going first, 9 going second)
- Lobber + Lobber
- Bloodlust + Chaos Mirror
- 2 of Kidnapping, Molting Firebird, and Lizzo
- The other card from #3 + 2nd Lizzo
- War Drums + Calypso Vystari
For green (again building Tech 2 Growth on turn 4)
- Tiny Basilisk + Galina Glimmer
- Tiny Basilisk + Ferocity
- Might of Leaf and Claw + Blooming Ancient
- Might of Leaf and Claw + moments peace
- Stampede + blooming elm