[MMM1] Warm-Up: Blue (Jadiel) vs Purple (HolyTispon)

@holytispon I like @Shadow_Night_Black’s format having a post clean for notes:

Blue Starter (vs Purple) Analysis

Match-up note: I think (especially as P1) Purple should be teching at least 1 Stewardess of the Undone in this matchup. So a lot of my comments about units are made in the light of this belief. Holytispon doesn’t seem to be teching Stewardess much, so maybe this is wrong, but I still think it’s an extremely strong choice against Blue. On the other hand, if blue is playing around Stewardess, Purple potentially gains by not teching it…

In general the starter as a whole is not great in this matchup. Most of the units are bad, and you struggle to find cards worth playing for the first 2 turns. After T2, you’ll typically not play any more starter units at all, although all three spells are strong throughout the mid game (and except MT into the late game)

Building Inspector
If you can catch them the turn before they build Tech I, and they can’t deal with BI easily, it’s effectively a 1/1 for 0 and is very strong. After that T1/T2 play though, it’s usually a worker, unless you really need a Manufactured Truth target because they played Plasmodium, or something.

Spectral Aven
This card is awesome, except that it loses horribly to Stewardess. If you get it in your P1T1 hand it’s pretty good (although playing it means you forgo a hero). P1T2 it can still be worth playing if you can MT for value. As P2, it’s even more likely you’ll be seeing Stewardess, and unless you’re pretty sure your opponent won’t tech Stewardess, it’s probably not a great play

Bluecoat Musketeer
Another 2 cost unit with ‘BOUNCE ME’ written in big letters all over it

Traffic Director
This guy is untargetable, meaning he can’t be bounced! Pretty solid as a 1/1 for 1 in this matchup

Porkhand Magistrate
So if bouncing a 2 cost unit is awesome value, bouncing a 3 cost one is just crazy. I really don’t understand why you would ever play this guy in this matchup - just summon a hero if you need a 2/3 body

Reputable Newsman
I really like this card. Unfortunately, it can’t stop units being played which means that Stewardess once again makes this guy into a worker…

I think this is probably playable P1T1 if you don’t have a 1 drop or Aven in hand. Outside of that though, I think it’s probably a worker. I could maybe see playing it in response to a Present or Future Tech II building, especially if their Tech I units are expensive (Argo, Glaxx, Stewardess), as you might catch a Hyperion, Tricyloid, Hive or Void Star with it, but it seems a bit risky to me.

I’ve tried playing this a couple more times, but I really think it’s a worker in this matchup. I played under pretty ideal circumstances, and Purple just responds by teching Assimilate. As Blue you just can’t put enough pressure on to stop Purple just building HH and playing heroes until they draw Assimilate.

Lawful Search
I undervalued this card. Knowing what your opponent has in hand is often worth 1g, as you can make much better decisions (how to patrol, sometimes which hero or tech building to kill). It helps control your cycling as well, and can give you a lot of control over when you draw the cards you need

I undervalued this card also. I’ve got a lot out of it so far, and it’s particularly powerful against cards with Fading. It might as well read ‘Destroy Yesterday’s Golgort’ across the top (except for those pesky Seers), and it can deal effectively with Fargo also. It can also be a strong tempo play to take Mox out for 2 turns, which really reduces the value Purple can get out of it, especially if you cast it on T2/3.

Manufactured Truth
This card looks like it might be amazing, but in practice I think it just shuts down Purple’s options. It says ‘Don’t play Plasmodium or try a max Vir gambit against me!’. Occasionally things come together to give you a value play (MTing Cadet into Brave Knight can be very strong), but it will generally only get played once in any given game. Not usually workered, but that’s mainly because you have lots of candidates for workers!

Tech Options

At Tech I, Brave Knight is very strong, and is typically always one of my T2 techs. Blue lacks card draw outside of Garrison, and Purple is very short on non-unit damage, which makes Brave Knight a very strong unit in the mid game. Cadets, Hounds and Tax Collectors all have their niche (although TC is clearly weaker if your opponent can play around it). One thing I’d like to try is Scribe and BK as an early tech, as playing Scribe, and then MT it into BK seems like a good way to increase card draw. It’s also pretty expensive though, so maybe it would only work as P2.

A big choice in this matchup is whether or not to go Illusions. If you’re going to go T2 Truth, you really want at least 1 Hound already teched, and ideally 2. The nature of the matchup is that things are likely to go to Tech II in most games, as neither Blue nor Purple really have the spells/units to support enough pressure to close the game at Tech I

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Purple Starter (vs Blue) Analysis
  • Nullcraft is susceptible to Manufactured Truth and is weaker than the Spectral Aven so I generally don’t find a reason to play it in this match-up.

  • Forgotten Fighter is also pretty inefficient in this match-up. It’s nice to be able to target illusions but the only real efficient target is Aven, who typically doesn’t patrol but is attacking. Hounds have 3 ATK and are actually cheaper than FF, and many other patrolers - Buildings Inspector, Traffic Director etc. cost 1 (TD is actually untargetable so you can’t bounce him even if you wanted to). You can bounce a BI to avoid paying the tax or bounce a newsie that’s blocking you but I don’t usually face a newsie (when I have, it had 1$ blocked to prevent Now!). Bounce Tax Collectors or Scribes just let them reuse their ability and bouncing cadets is very inefficient. In short, I may use it very early on but it’s better to tech Now! that can use to bounce illusions but also on your own units and worker FF.

  • Plasmodium is also an easy target for Manufactured Truth - they get a 4/4 haste with no downsides.

  • Battle Suits seems pretty awesome in this match-up. Makes the cards he copies more efficient for you without giving your opponent the extra benefit. And if you’re going for Stewardess anyway, it’s pretty natural. It’s an early tempo hit to get it out but seers.

  • Fading Argonaut - a great card, and very useful in the match-up. He’s got good stats but not a great target for copying. If you’ve built BS, it’s really awesome. He’s a pretty good target for Arrest, so you want to put him in the lookout spot though you may be tempted to SQL to get an edge against the Brave Knight/Spectral Hound. Don’t be tempted. At some point, with lots of Tech 1 or Tech 2 units out, you may worker it.

  • Hardened Mox - great for P1T1. Or so I’ve heard, never got it myself on the first hand. It’s pretty solid anyway, very useful defender and benefits greatly from BS.

  • Time Spiral - very ambivalent about this one. Its value shines later in the game, if I have Remember or Omegacron or Trycycloid. But earlier than that, it’s not very useful (you can use it on arrested Fargo or give an extra rune to Prynn but that’s about it). You usually don’t get a max Prynn until later and I often find that I need to worker it before that.

  • Temporal Research - I find this to be a very useful card. With just Prynn on the board, you get the 2 cards (I’ve had 8 runes on the board when I used it but not 10). It’s especially useful later but can also be a crucial draw for a cheap Now! or Seer, or even Stewardess. If you have a couple of Hyperion in play, you may worker it.

  • Tinkerer - another card I’m torn on. Doesn’t get the BS benefit, isn’t an impressive body and isn’t very useful early on. Later in the game I’m sometime happy to have it but by then it’s often workered.

  • Neo Plexus - pretty solid card. He doesn’t get much from copying it and with BS it’s a pretty solid defense line.

Other cards of note:

  • Two cards that seem key in this match-up are Stewardess of the Undone and Now!, the former to deal with mirrors and Aven and other tech 0, the latter in general against illusions (and especially tech 2 Truth). I’ve used Now! so often that he started using Newsie blocking 1$, but I’m not sure that’s something you’re going to always encounter. In general, Geiger seems the most important hero in this match-up especially early on. Sparkshot is useful against all the annoying Tech 0 (director, inspector etc.), his spells are crucial for the MU and he’s cheap to level.

  • I love Seers. They are cheap and very useful, especially if you have BS out. They shine if you have a rune-based strategy (like Omegacron or Remember) but they can always support Prynn and they are a cheap unit in a very expensive deck. You can also flicker them for double effect with Geiger maxband and give Prynn some more time.

  • Argonaut is usually considered an amazing tech 1 but they are susceptible to Manufactured Truth and I never want to give them a 3/4 with Readiness even if I have him as a 4/4. Blue tends to keep MT even later in the game and it’s always a bummer when a mirror or a traffic director becomes a 3/4 for 1g or 2g.

  • Rewind seems pretty good in this match-up. One of the problem with illusions is that they are so damn cheap and efficient, so wiping a board with just 4g is really good. It’s really good if they’re going for Tech 2 Truth and have Liberty Gryphons out, and it prevents them from enjoying the scav and tech benefits they get when you target their stupid mirrors. I’ve been teching undos to treat some illusions but it’s a 3g spell for units that are mostly less of that and so Rewind can be crucial.

  • Temporal Distortion is awesome. Very good card to both take off the board tech 2 card you don’t want your opponent to copy (Hyperion) and bring in units that have a great arrive ability (Hyperion or Tricycloid). Your bring a tri, target 3 illusions, take it back to hand and bring another to target three more illusions - and you still have 3/3 to defend. And you can use a seer to add another rune in the future.

  • Vortoss Emblem - This is a good way of dealing with illusions but the problem is that it requires Prynn, who is not a very good hero to have out there in the early game. It’s not at all bad to tech the Emblem later in the game if Blue is going for truth, where Prynn is crucial with her max band ability (which is a way to get rid of Liberty Gryphon).

  • Vir’s maxband mech is an easy target for MT and so may not be as efficient in this match-up. Almost anything can be copied by Quince midband, so if you have a good tech 2 unit (like Hyperion) you should be concerned about Quince (he’s relatively cheap to upgrade so he can even come off the board) but in general, any tech 0 or 1 is vulnerable because of Manufactured Truth.

I don’t know for now what would be worthwhile analysis here, but your turn to start!


StartingHand Workers

Spectral Aven
Traffic Director
Porkhand Magistrate
Building Inspector

Porkhand Magistrate


Reputable Newsman
Manufactured Truth
Lawful Search
Bluecoat Musketeer


Traffic Director
Building Inspector

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Spectral Aven - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Spectral Aven (2/2, Flying Illusion)
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 3
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 5

I hate the Aven. In five games of playing purple, none of them I got what I wanted in the starter hand. I need to learn to be more flexible.


StartingHand Workers

Battle Suits
Neo Plexus
Time Spiral
Forgotten Fighter

Neo Plexus


Temporal Research
Hardened Mox
Fading Argonaut


Forgotten Fighter
Battle Suits
Time Spiral

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Forgotton Fighter to kill the Aven, paying for resist. - ($1)
Tech 1 - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 4
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 6

You need a hero to cast a spell - that’s why I put him in Lookout :slight_smile:

Whoops, sorry. Very basic error. I apologize. I’ll redo my turn.

If it helps, my policy is to always say which hero is casting the spell, even if it’s obvious or doesn’t matter. The act of choosing which one and typing it out makes it much harder to forget.


Thanks. I’ll incorporate that. I have much of the game flowing naturally but some parts are still iffy. It’s harder I hope someone in this fabulous community takes the time to make a web interface which will basically be the spreadsheet but will also show the all the cards in hand and on the table. The ‘cards anywhere’ add-on is pretty sweet but it would help me a lot to see the cards. Anyways, back to the game now.



StartingHand Workers

Battle Suits
Neo Plexus
Time Spiral
Forgotten Fighter



Hardened Mox
Fading Argonaut
Temporal Research


Battle Suits
Forgotten Fighter
Time Spiral

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Neo Plexus - ($2)
Tech 1 - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Neo Plexus (2/2)A
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 3
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 6


Tech StartingHand Workers

Brave Knight
Tax Collector

Bluecoat Musketeer
Reputable Newsman
Manufactured Truth
Lawful Search

Porkhand Magistrate


Reputable Newsman
Brave Knight
Tax Collector
Manufactured Truth

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Aven hits Plexus for 1 after armor
Tech 1 - ($4)
Bigby - ($2)

Float ($2)
Discard 4, reshuffle, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: L1 Bigby (2/3A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Spectral Aven (2/2, Flying Illusion)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 2
  • Workers: 6


Tech StartingHand Workers


Fading Argonaut
Temporal Research
Hardened Mox

Hardened Mox


Battle Suits
Temporal Research
Time Spiral

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
Fargo - ($4)

Float ($4)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]: Fading Argonaut (3/3), 3 runes
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Neo Plexus (2/1 from 1 damage)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 4
  • Workers: 7

I think I should have probably placed Neo in the technician spot instead of Scav, but oh well. He didn’t kill Neo last turn because it was in SQL, so now I can get potentially get a second use out of him as defender a second time. I played units that don’t give him any benefit if he tries to use Manufactured Truth (if I played Nullcraft, I wouldn’t have been able to kill his Aven but he could have copied it to get the Haste and punish me). I considered playing a hero so that I can use Max’s midband next turn or Vir’s ability to look at cards but I couldn’t prevent him from dealing me damage with Aven and I so I thought it best to bring Max out when I have Now! in hand. Sadly, I didn’t draw any of my teched card and my draw has been unlucky. I floated enough gold that I hope to go directly into tech 2, tech another Seer and an Omegacron and then hold tight and see what happens. Perhaps later I can add a tech-lab with some past, or go into void stars. If he goes Peace I need Assimilate, and if he goes to tech 3 I need flying units.


Tech StartingHand Workers

Justice Juggernaut
Insurance Agent

Reputable Newsman
Tax Collector
Brave Knight
Manufactured Truth

Porkhand Magistrate
Reputable Newsman


Building Inspector
Traffic Director
Bluecoat Musketeer


Manufactured Truth
Justice Juggernaut
Insurance Agent

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Tax Collector, steal 1g from you - ($6)
Brave Knight - ($3)
Midband Bigby - ($1)
Bigby exhausts to sideline Plexus
Aven kills Plexus

Float ($1)
Stash 1, Discard 1, draw 3

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Brave Knight (3/3A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Tax Collector (2/3)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Spectral Aven (2/2, Flying Illusion)
  • L3 Bigby (2/4)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 1
  • Disc: 3
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 7


Tech StartingHand Workers


Battle Suits
Time Spiral
Temporal Research

Hardened Mox


Forgotten Fighter
Neo Plexus

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($11)
Stolen gold - ($10)
Worker - ($9)
Battle Suits - ($7)
Tower - ($4)
Tech 2 Future - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 2

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Fading Argonaut (3/3), 2 runes
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Future)
  • :heart: Tower HP: 4

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 8

How is it that I’m already screwed? I guess I should have probably summoned a hero. I saved some money, and he punished me for it. I’m building tech 2 now knowing it’s going to break down in the hope that I can spend the money, not be taxed any more and then rebuild tech 2 for the omegacron plan.



Tech StartingHand Workers

Judgement Day
Insurance Agent

Building Inspector
Bluecoat Musketeer
Traffic Director

Porkhand Magistrate
Reputable Newsman
Bluecoat Musketeer


Building Inspector
Manufactured Truth
Lawful Search

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Bigby casts Arrest on Fading Argonaut - ($5)
Tech II (Law) - ($1)
Bigby and Aven destroy Tower, your base to 18
Brave Knight and Tax Collector destroy Tech II, your base to 16

Float ($1)
Discard 2, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 3

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Brave Knight (3/3A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Spectral Aven (2/1, Flying Illusion)
  • L3 Bigby (2/3)
  • Tax Collector (2/3)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Law)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 5
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 8


Tech StartingHand Workers


Forgotten Fighter
Neo Plexus

Hardened Mox


Temporal Research


Forgotten Fighter

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Rebuild tech 2
Geiger - ($5)
Neo - ($3)
Seer, adds a rune to Fargo - ($2)
Now! on the Aven - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 1, draw 3

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Max Geiger (2/3)A
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Seer (3/1)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Fading Argonaut (3/3), 2 rune, disabled this turn
  • Neo Plexus (3/2)
  • :heart: Base HP: 16
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Future)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 1
  • Disc: 4
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 9

I’m sure there’s a better play to offer, but I don’t know how to delay the onslaught is sure to come. With insurance agents and arresting constables, he’ll be able to control the board and reach tech 3 in no time.



Tech StartingHand Workers

Community Service
Justice Juggernaut

Lawful Search
Building Inspector
Manufactured Truth
Traffic Director

Porkhand Magistrate
Reputable Newsman
Bluecoat Musketeer
Building Inspector


Justice Juggernaut
Judgement Day
Insurance Agent
Insurance Agent


Spectral Aven
Lawful Search
Community Service
Justice Juggernaut
Manufactured Truth
Traffic Director

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Bigby casts Lawful Search on your hand, I draw - ($8)
Oni - ($6)
Brave Knight and Bigby kill Geiger, Bigby to L5
Bigby casts Arrest on Seer - ($4)
Worker - ($3)

Float ($3)
Discard 2, draw 4

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Brave Knight (3/1A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Tax Collector (2/3)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • L5 Bigby (3/4)
  • L1 Oni (2/3)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Law)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 7
  • Gold: 3
  • Workers: 9


Tech StartingHand Workers

Void Star
Origin Story

Temporal Research
Time Spiral

Hardened Mox


Neo Plexus
Origin Story


Time Spiral

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Argo X2 - ($4)
Fargo kills the Knight
Prynn - ($2)
Prynn casts Temporal Research, drawing 2 - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Argonaut (4/4)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Argonaut (4/4)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • L1 Prynn (1/3), 4 runes
  • Seer is disabled this turn
  • :heart: Base HP: 16
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Future)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 2
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 9

Can’t use Omegacron this turn anyway, so it’s a good things I’m discarding him with Time Spiral. Hopefully can get both of these with two seers.


I play 2 Insurance Agents, putting runes on your Argonauts
Bigby casts Judgement Day, you get a tech draw
I cast Lawful Search on your hand - what was the tech draw?

The card I drew is: