IYL8 - Dreadlands - Match Reports

lol cues the Iron Maiden and the number of the beast


@Castanietzsche 3 - 0 @Ivan
thanks for the games ! I love playing against Jaina ! keeping her in this MU is real chivalry. your jaina is awesome, hope you’ll stick to her (and we’ll forbid zane in tourney)


Legion vs @MysticDeadman
I win 3-0
:grave: :psfist: :pschip: :zane: here we go back and forth but MD never finds a J or K until it’s too late and a raw Tpos seals the deal.
:grave: :psfist: :pschip: :zane: Here i disrespect a raw MA, eat it in my face, then crawl back to victory.
:grave: :psfist: :pschip: :gwen: I expect a grabby gwen at first, she doesn’t and gets a big hand. I pu for tpos, she disrespects it and pays for it. My first succcessful throw of the whole set seals the deal.
Respect and ggs.
Good luck in the rest of the league.


GGs d00d. Short set (games were rather quick), but lots of fun nonetheless.

ps pls ignore migo’s upcoming video because i suffer from hubris in it lol

EDIT: Just want to throw out there that any time I play Legion, it’s guaranteed to be a good time. Therefore, I dedicated myself to seeing this set through despite internet issues, and now it’s time for bed.


@migohunter is there really an upcoming vid?

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MR vs @darkness 3-0

Two early BCs and a bQ set low hand on Perse side, then 345A+ put her at low hp. Recurring bQ closed it

get a good combo (bkbKbJ, 19dmg+3cards), then Mistress try her loop: wake up DSD vs 3rd throw in a row attempt

1st turn BC and Joker oblivioned, later outspeeded MC try into 31dmg (and A oblivioned) and bQ sealed it

I understand that it was your 1st MU vs Mene: that’s unfortunate (lucky me :sweat_smile:), since he could be awesome with right cards (I got some good xp in the past vs @GutterOwl, after she hard beat my Grave).

Better luck in next games

Respect and GGs


Well, migo wasn’t able to do live commentary due to how late it was that we played, so I (jokingly) suggested that he could do a post-game commentary later.

I don’t know if he actually did it or not, but he said he would.

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Caralad vs @Tekopo

:troq: :psfist: :pschip: :bbb:
:troq: :pschip: :psfist: :bbb:
:valerie: :psfist: :pschip: :bbb:
:valerie: :pschip: :psfist: :bbb:
:zane: :psfist: :pschip: :bbb:

Caralad wins 3-2


Really fun series, the only blowout was the last game where I got perfected. Thanks for the games!


feathers vs @darkness 3-1

:gwen: :pschip: :psfist: :persephone:
:gwen: :psfist: :pschip: :persephone:
:gwen: :psfist: :pschip: :persephone:
:gwen: :psfist: :pschip: :persephone:

Enjoyable games darkness, good luck in the rest of IYL!


I’ve just noticed an error in the challonge scoring - https://iyl.challonge.com/iyl8_dreadlands.
In my game against KevAshTao (round 3), the score is written darkness 3 - KevAshTao 2, but the actual score is the opposite darkness 2 - KevAshTao 3.


Caralad vs @Ivan

:geiger: :psfist: :pschip: :gloria:
:geiger: :psfist: :pschip: :zane:
:geiger: :psfist: :pschip: :zane:

Caralad wins 3-0

Migo recorded it, will be up soon I imagine.


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IYL8 - The Dreadlands - R5 - KevAshTao/Snoc

:setsuki::psfist: :pschip::setsuki:
:setsuki::pschip: :psfist::setsuki:
:zane::psfist: :pschip::setsuki:
:zane::pschip: :psfist::setsuki:
:zane::psfist: :pschip::setsuki:


I rambled a bit at the end of this one, stick around!


I was there for that one combat near the end of the game and it was beautiful. Worst trade in the history of yomi.

International Yomi League, Season 8 Week 6
Mystic Deadman (1-4) vs. @Bye (0-5)

Quick Results


Extended Recap

I thought I was at the bottom of the division. I thought I was the one whom losing to would be a FeelsBadMan. I was wrong. I forgot about poor Bye, who gets taken apart week after week, year after year. And sadly for him, this year was no different. I ended up running a Gwenfect here after he refused to stop trying to throw me turn after turn.
Like, he never played anything that wasn’t a throw. It was strange. It was unexpected. It was sad. But, it was also a win for me.
More of the same. I got good enough draws to hit him with max damage twice in this one.
I don’t think Bye got the message in the first 2 games, and again refused to do anything except throw. 3 games, 3 Gwenfects, none of them felt particularly good.

Final Score

MD 3-0 Bye

GGs, d00d. Good luck the rest of the season.


Bye has ducked every single match I’ve ever been scheduled to play with him, I think he’s just scared by this point.


To be fair, you two aren’t scheduled to play until the final week of the season. He may just not want to play ahead of time.

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@Castanietzsche 3 - 0 @Legion
:quince::psfist::pschip::setsuki: I was lucky to have two 2 truths early on the game. my opponent tricked me by wasting a 10 early to make me feel safe so he countered a 2 truths. later I powered up for Consent of the Governed then normal attack to AAA !
:quince::psfist::pschip::valerie: My opponent didn’t have any throw on a 12 card hand ! AAA worked too on my side.
:quince::psfist::pschip::valerie: I had the dream hand, could do throw, flagstone tax and reveal J multiple times and had the 2 backup for handsize. I realized I had been honest on positive spin reveal for all the match so lied for the last 2 rounds !
ggs Legion ! looks like I should make you play early more often x)
you’re a better player than me but I got lucky this time ! see you in finals ! :smile_cat:
thank you for having watched so often my games and having given me so many wise advice !