Experimental changes event

Carrion Curse was the MVP imo, awesome counter to most of what blue deploys as Black countermeasures (Peace Engine, Free Speech, MTruth, etc).

DnD was just the most convenient ender from that position of chaining Carrion Curse (it is a good card though)


As the originator of the Nudging the Tiller thread, I’m pleased to see that balancing is still underway! I’m aware I’m necroing this thread but did any event happen where people tested these proposed changes? Also, what does Sirlin think of this fan effort? Any chance he would give an Unofficial thumbs up to this?

I don’t think we’ve done the tournament variant yet (I’m certainly game for it), but we did play a good deal of blue black changes and surprisingly just removing vandy was pretty solid. Definitely the easiest quick solve for that matchup.

I am not a patron and there seems to be a good deal of those who are that are privy to his thoughts on balance changes, but I didn’t get the impression much of our thoughts here were particularly well received. :man_shrugging:

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Siriln has his own ideas on for a codex rebalance, and has talked about it before.
I don’t know the details, but it involves changes to vandy, flagstone garrison, hero bounties, and flying.
Very likely a lot more than that too.