Experimental changes event

There is no reason to twist things around so wildly just for flavor. When an existing rule works to get the desired behavior, don’t make up a new rule.

I am also amused that first we tried to give quince kidnapping, and now we are trying to give quince frenzy… if only there was a hero for that…


Yeah, but I hate goblins and love propagandists. :wink:


Now that you mention it, a spell that gives all your units “Dies: :target: deal 1 damage to [something]” would be pretty good with Dreamscape…


Truth is out for blood!


If you look to the Past, you’ll see Blood is the one constant Truth

Think about it


This is a relatively new addition, right? Seems pretty strong, especially when Regular-sized Rhino now costs the same and is so much smaller.

Obviously Bashing should feel bad for existing.


Revision of bashing Tech II? Or just make CoL summon up to 5 cost without the colour restriction?

With Troq getting Overpower retooling harvest reaper might be in order anyway. Would 3 cost regular sized rhino be broken?

Normally -
regular-sized rhinoceros 4g 5/6
Oversized Rhinoceros 5g 7/8

no, I think 3g for the regular sized one is probably fine. Most Tech 2s have abilities that set them above and beyond at 4g and 5g cost. Admittedly, these stats are very high for their cost, but its hard to justify when other similar costs are almost the same stats and impressive abilities.

New Bloodburn card idea (still a 3 cost upgrade, so needs a buff alongside the other tech 0 3s)
Whenever a unit dies, put a blood rune on this.
Remove 3 runes: deal 1 damage to a (target) building
At the end of your turn, remove all runes.

I don’t get it. Isn’t that just really bad?

The idea is if you have a nice destructive turn and 9 units die, you can use it 3 times. Also, it doesn’t need haste cause it doesn’t exhaust. I think it should still hit units though.

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Given that disease is kind of the outsider in black, (I know Vandy is getting a slight tune down, as well as the black start)…

Could there be some reasonably small tweak to Orpal’s non-ultimate spells?

If the intent is to shake up the meta a bit, I think Garth would still outshine Orpal and Vandy has long ruled from her ivory tower.

I really enjoyed the ideas explored here.

I think most of Orpal’s spells are pretty strong as it is. You could maybe argue for a change to Spreading Plague, since it rarely sees play on the forum.

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Spreading Plagues problem is its a mass wipe, but rarely can hit more than 1 or 2 things. Black uses disease when the enemy is using weenies, because for the most part that is what disease is good at dealing with. If the opponent has a wide board of beefy things, spreading plague probably isn’t going to save you. Plague Lord + Spreading Plague is pretty much the only time you can really get value from it, and at that point, its probably a win more thing.

Spreading plague is best compared to Doom Grasp, same basic restrictions on targets, but its an AoE. Doom grasp costs 4 + sacrifice (skeleton usually, so 1g), while spreading plague costs 4 and at least 1 rune somewhere. -1 runes are generally costed around 1-2g. So spreading plague is more expensive than doom grasp in practice, which is fine. BUT, it also tends to only hit 2 things, and requires sickness or orpal midband (which only hits units). So, while the AoE could be nice, in practice Doom Grasp is more flexible, cheaper, and easier to play, which means its a more valuable tech choice for the limited tech slots.


Yeah, even if you’re liberally spreading - runes around, units with runes on them don’t tend to last long enough to bother with Spreading Plague. The name is also misleading, maybe it should be something more like “damage units/heroes with a - rune. For each one that dies, give a - rune to an allied unit with no - rune.”

I’m not so sure. The Black vs Blue matchup thread saw Orpal rise to dominance when Vandy was literally removed from Black.


That’s true orpal did some real damage, but NOT with spreading plague.


I assume it was primarily Sickness/Carrion Curse.

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Actually Death and Decay played a big role, and the maxband/midband.