Codex data thread

Not sure about the best player but I might be the most active player at the moment. :smile: Perhaps model gives extra points for trying hard :wink:

XCAPS21 provided more data on Bashing and Ninjitsu. Was wondering if the new data helped normalizing their weights.

I haven’t re-run the Nash stuff yet, it takes a while. I’ll try to run it over the weekend.

Mean Nash weights have been updated. Those for Bashing and Ninjitsu have barely moved. I think I need to add some uncertainty measures, so I can see what’s going on.


Bansa is now above Marto.

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CAMS21 “predictions” are up.


It’s a little hacked together, but XCAFRR21 tracking/forecasting is a-go. They’re all considered reasonably close, if you’re worried about demoralising yourself by taking a peek.


I’m thinking of simplifying the tracker down to just the “Tournament and evaluation” page, as the entry tab, and the Data section after that, since those are the most relevant pages. Let me know if you care about the other ones.

Matchup information on the site is now starting to get two sections/tabs, for the original game and for the forum standard version.

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