Casual: payprplayn ([Finesse]/Demonology/Ninjitsu) vs Shadowfury333 ([Fire]/Past/Feral)

@payprplayn GG

I was pretty sure I made a couple fatal mistakes around turn 2 or 3 (mostly with tech choices), but I was curious if I could recover. Apparently I could not.

Hmmā€¦ Yeah, Fire Dart is probably not the best choice if youā€™re playing Cala and donā€™t have heroesā€™ hall (unless youā€™re sure sheā€™ll die), and Firebatā€™s all right, but not who Iā€™d choose there. Iā€™m not quite sure what you should have done in this game, though. Things seemed to be going reasonably well until turn 4, though looking at it, I wonder if perhaps your turn 3 was the real problem. You wiped my board, which really annoyed me, for sure, but you spent two cards to do it, and had only a lvl 3 Cala in your own board. Since you had already teched a Jaina spell last turn, I think it might have been better to leave out the BtF in favor of another unit or possibly a burn spell, then have BRO and Cala trade with Orpal and play Centaur+Jaina. That still would have wiped most of my board, but would have left you with a much stronger board and a healthier hand size. I think itā€™s really important to take the opportunity to play your early tech choices during your second cycle. The starter cards just donā€™t give the efficiency you need to keep up.

Iā€™m not really sure about any of that, though, and Iā€™d be interested to hear what any more experienced spectators thought.

Out of curiosity, what made you decide to pair those 3 specs together? They donā€™t seem to have a tremendous amount of synergy with one another.

Edit: @Shadowfury333 tagging you to make sure this gets your attention.

When you proposed your initial spec list, I realize you picked half of the female heroes, so I figured for a lark Iā€™d pick the other half and see how that went. Iā€™ve been experimenting separately with Fire/Ninjutsu/??? since Jaina and Setsuki are my favourite Yomi characters shared with Codex, but I donā€™t know if I want to keep Setsuki or what to have as the third spec. My last third spec experiment was Feral, so the setup I went with was what I was just playing, but with Past in place of Ninjutsu.

I guess there isnā€™t much synergy, though. Having Charge is kinda nice as an option with the Fading units in Past, but purple specs in general always seem kinda isolated, so I donā€™t know if Past can possibly synergize with anything.

As for my mistakes, you pretty much listed them off. I realized I should have focused on Calamandraā€™s spells once she survived, since Iā€™m so used to losing heroes the turn they come out. I guess itā€™s because Iā€™m still new, and oftentimes in new player games the first hero summoned gets killed before they do anything, so you basically play one hero to bait a response or at least block a bit, then another hero to actually cast spells.

Well, as I mentioned, it would have been an option to trade off Cala and play Jaina on T3, so teching fire dart wasnā€™t necessarily a mistake.

I disagree that nothing synergizes with past. [Past]/Peace/Anarchy is considered a top-tier deck. Thatā€™s in large part due to the purple starter, though. Mox+boot camp is fantastic, and every single peace unit is a soldier, so Battle Suits gives a lot of mileage. Also you can play Flagstone Garrison without trashing Mox. I donā€™t see tremendous value in pairing past with Fire, though, because Jaina and Prynn kind of fill the same niche (targeted removal) in different ways. Another reasonable pairing for past is Discipline if you go for a TPoS strategy. Origin Story, Undo, and stewardess are all 3-cost cards that slow the game down, thus helping you build to a TPoS turn. Also Grave has combat abilities that Prynn sorely lacks. Blood seems like it would pair well with Fading stuff, since you get a lot more value out of it with haste (as you mentioned with Charge). Also, thereā€™s nothing wrong with going double-purple or mono-purple.

In any case, I recommend re-thinking your codex. Iā€™m not saying to change it, necessarily, but you should probably build it with some purpose in mind. Iā€™m by no means an expert at this, in fact Iā€™m a new player myself, but for instance I built my current codex with the main idea of abusing Plague Lab, and Disease Tech II generally. Thereā€™s some discussion about it here: What's your Favorite Deck? - #132 by payprplayn. Another thing to consider when youā€™re building a codex is answers. If youā€™ve got no way to get at heroes that arenā€™t patrolling, or deal with upgrades, or hit flyers before tech II, there are some decks youā€™re going to have serious problems beating. Again, Iā€™m new at this myself, so it wouldnā€™t be a bad idea to solicit some help from a more experienced player. Alternatively, you can just go mono-colored, or try one of the consensus top-tier decks, which include (but may not be limited to): [Necro]/Blood/Truth, [Past]/Peace/Anarchy, [Demon]/Necro/Finesse, and [Anarchy]/Strength/Growth. Iā€™m probably missing one there, but I know those are all extremely solid.


@Shadowfury333 are you up for another game?

Sure. Iā€™ll think a bit about my Codex first, and then post my turn

I think none of those top tier decks really has much of anything against upgrades.

Fair point, but a counterpoint would be that [Anarchy]/Strength/Growth, with an upgrade-based endgame, is the most popular deck in the current meta by a fair amount, which suggests to me that even the other top-tier decks have difficulty with it, perhaps because they lack upgrade removal (with the exception of Demonology at Tech III, which is probably too late to stop MoLaC).

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@payprplayn Iā€™m probably limiting myself a bit in my choices, but I didnā€™t want to AP too hard. Iā€™ve ended up on [Past]/Feral/Finesse.


StartingHand Workers

Time Spiral
Forgotten Fighter
Battle Suits
Temporal Research

Battle Suits


Hardened Mox
Fading Argonaut
Neo Plexus


Forgotten Fighter
Time Spiral
Temporal Research

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Nullcraft - ($1)
Attack base with Nullcraft for 1 (to 19)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Nullcraft 1/1
  • :heart: Base HP: 20

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 3
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 5