Yomi Gameplay Videos

Here’s my commentary on BTB losers’ finals.

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Yo @cpat 7 ability was b/c known TPOS removing hit confirm for a turn after I’ve already FD bluffed IMO drastically changes the EV of that turn. The throws as troq in endgame were because the odds of Geiger having enough of a hand to lethal was extremely low but he had it. 2 extra hidden aces and all 4 kings provided all the damage needed, attempting to throw and allowing oneself to get hit by a combo that neuters the hand when on a big life lead seems sound to me. I almost certainly should have thrown that one extra time as Zane, sad to see that one again.


I understand your logic for G1, thanks.

For G2, I look at the Troq discard and see JQQKKKK at that particular time. If I’m on the Troq side, I’d agree with you in thinking that Geiger didn’t have enough to kill, yet. I’d say that I’m thinking that (if he needs to build them, which in this case, he kind of didn’t), Geiger is going to prefer building resources with normal attacks over blocks, especially when you are KD, because the chance that you have that many fast attacks in hand (2/3 Js and 2/3 Qs still in the game) is quite low, and normal attacks are quite “safe” against something like a throw/block range. So personally, I think that I would like to lean into the fact that Troq has actually drawn 11/12 faces in the first 25 cards (obviously extremely unlikely) to finish off a Geiger at sub-25 HP, because it’s very unexpected. Obviously, gameplans are dynamic and can change, but if you read no uppercuts, then surely in most cases Geiger doesn’t block four/five times in a row, and you can do enough damage with your face cards to end the game? (Two Queens and a fast Jack is 25, somewhat unrelatedly you can even be a little saucy and go for slow Jack there: a fast Jack, a slow Jack, and a Q is also enough and can maybe even throw him the scent off a little bit. This doesn’t even take AA into account; you can even run your AA into his AA or something and be totally fine!) To me, this seems like the highest win percentage play, with the unlikely cards you’ve drawn. Of course, these are all post-game thoughts, without any actual timer/tournament game pressure.

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Finally, some Yomi content on my channel.


More Yomi content!

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First match of the Salary Cap tournament with @Gingivitusks vs @Nopethebard


I’ve got a bit of a backlog, apparently:

New Blood vs @migohunter

19xx vs @Cypher

19xx vs @ratxt1


Hella fast paced set between @cpat and @Kirandio, fun to watch


And to follow up, an exciting set between @Gingivitusks and @JonnyD!

It’ll be here when it’s done processing


Myself vs @Cypher for the 19xx Season 1 finals (once it finishes processing)

Apologies for the garbage voice levels, apparently my mic wasn’t set up well this time around.


My POV vs Cypher in the Salary Cap Tournament. No commentary, just math rock.

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More Salary Cap action between @cpat and @Gingivitusks!


Didn’t expect to catch two Yomi matches in one day let’s fucking gooooo

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Haven’t recorded a match in a while! GGs


Posting here so @migohunter can post in this thread again


Myself vs @Nopethebard

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