[XCAPS21] Round 3: bansa [Blood]/Demonology/Growth vs charnel_mouse [Growth]/Finesse/Truth



Starting hand: 3

Liberty Gryphon
Star-Crossed Starlet


I suspect Iā€™m about to lose for want teching Free Speech last turn, but weā€™ll see. Spamming the board in the hope that something sticks.

Teched cards: 2

T2: 2 x Nimble Fencer
T3: Might of Leaf and Claw, Star-Crossed Starlet
T4: Might of Leaf and Claw, Star-Crossed Starlet
T5: Liberty Gryphon, Stampede
T7: 2 x Free Speech

Get paid - (10)
Quince makes a Mirror - (8)
Star-Crossed Starlet, Mirror copies - (6)
Argagarg Garg, Wisp arrives - (4)
Maxband Argagarg, Water Elemental Arrives - (0)
Discard 2, draw 4

:psblueshield: Star-Crossed Starlet (Mirror) 8/7 (illusion; dies when Starlet or Quince die; MoLaC: +5/+5; upkeep: takes 1 damage; +1 attack per damage)
:psfist: Water Elemental 8/8 (anti-air)
:ps_: Wisp 5/6
:exhaust: Argagarg L5 6/10 (exhaust: +1/+1A to a unit)
:target: Star-Crossed Starlet 8/7 (resist 0+1; MoLaC: +5/+5; upkeep: takes 1 damage; +1 attack per damage)

Quince L5 6/9 (MoLaC: +5/+5; 2g: summon Mirror (limit 2); 2g: Mirror copies a Tech 0ā€“II unit this turn, then is trashed: non-token unit arrives: a Mirror can copy it; 1 damage)

Might of Leaf and Claw #1 (allies get +5/+5)
Might of Leaf and Claw #2 (3 runes; 5+ runes: allies get +5/+5)

:heart: Base HP: 15
:heart: Tech I HP: 5
:heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Growth)

Hand: 4

Star-Crossed Starlet
Tiger Cub
Merfolk Prospector
Rampant Growth

Deck: 0
Discard: 8

Nimble Fencer
Playful Panda
Nimble Fencer
Young Treant
Free Speech
Free Speech
Liberty Gryphon

Card-count check (opponent-viewable)

Expected: 10 + 10 teched = 20
3 on board
4 in hand
0 in deck
8 in discard
5 in workers
Total: 20

Gold: 0
Workers: 10

5 x start
T1: Spore Shambler
T2: Rich Earth
T3: Verdant Tree
T4: Forestā€™s Favour
T5: Ironbark Treant

Vandy fetches and plays Meta -> Drakk deals 15 to your base to break, GG WP! That was one crazy game. I think I was too pumped by my first molac play :sweat_smile:

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Damn, well played! I got greedy and teched in Liberty Gryphon and Stampede towards the end, if Iā€™d put in copies of Free Speech instead I might have had you.

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Donā€™t mind my thoughts if you read thru them. I was just whining about me tripping myself in the beginning. I often overthink and try to pull something out of line and it usually backfires me. So yeah just my unrefined thoughts.

Agreed, free speech wouldā€™ve caught me off guard. Was banking on no free speech based on the direction you were heading. I think you read me well in this game. I was definitely going for early aggression as I naturally get drawn to but you killing my Drakk changed everything and threw my plan and barons out the door. And yes I was again tempted to go Blood tech II as you suspected but iā€™ve been hugging onto hasty cards that work nicely with molac so i figured this is the time to give it a shot.

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Oh, I wasnā€™t expecting Barons at all! I suppose bringing out Quince discouraged them, too? That would have been a very different game. MoLaC was definitely the way to go for both of us here, though, canā€™t let you keep a maxband Drakk lying around in a matchup like that.

Best of luck going forwards!

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Yea, I thought barons would surprise you but then yes quince discouraged it with drakk gone. I donā€™t remember me going for molac before maybe because i didnā€™t play much growth but I also didnā€™t like the idea of investing for late game since i usually try to break thru rather than building up. Iā€™m slowly adopting to stardard plays to limit my all ins in attempt to be more versatile

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