[XCAFS22] Round9: P1 Dreamfire [Peace]/Blood/Future vs P2 zango [Bashing]/Necromancy/Past

I know we’re a cosy little community on here, so you don’t want to risk annoying people you regularly play against, but this format is aimed at creating fair matches, and I’d like everyone to think they go in with a decent chance. If there’s a community that won’t slight you for asking for re-rolls like this, it’s this one.


GG WP! This was a close game, and with some better/worse luck it could have gone differently.

And the redo is really not a big deal. It was a perfectly reasonable request and I was just being grumpy because I had finished doing my turn exactly then :sweat_smile:

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Just wanted to cosign this. I probably would have re-rolled r5 if I had remembered it was an option! And that’s no disrespect to Charnel’s model, it’s cool how many fun matchups come out of it but no deck formula is going to give well balanced matchups randomly every time.

I love these random tournaments and having to try to figure out non-standard deck matchups, it’s a fun mix up to try-hard tournies. GG WP to both players this game!


@charnel_mouse & @FrozenStorm fishing for seer in turn 4 is a valid point. But the only chance to win this game against a fully working peace engine are archons with second chances. Since dreamfire had to dilute with spells to kill rememberer he could not optimize the engine. But this was not obvious at this point. Best option would have been to tech archon instead of second chances. Turn 6 archon from hand would have been enough to survive and the safe second archon in turn 7 via rememberer would win the game.

Well played on both sides, interesting matchup!