[various]Frozenstorm vs Marto

Whelp that’s the game, GG WP

Not really sure what I should have done differently there… Rambasa Twin I suppose? or just a stone cold read that you’d go LB and first-tech DeGrey? Yikes…

I’ve no idea, to tell the truth. Even if you’d teched 2x DeGrey (else you’ve high chances to draw him on T3), I’m not sure you could’ve defended your Tech on your T3/my T4. Looking at your hand now, you’d have recruited nothing (or skipped Tech II, which is pointless in that case), so I could destroy it with Imp + horror…

LB beatdown is pretty hard to counter, even with Tower; besides Stewardess of the Undone and Discord (and your own LB), I fail to see any consistant answer… Especially playing white.

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Not having any heros or spells that can provide tokens for ground cover (outside of Sets maxband, which involves sets surviving a turn ^_^) makes it pretty tough to get adequate blockers in place. I’m down to try again, but yea, tough sledding for sure, way tougher than I would have thought.

Just thinking, maybe you could exploit my poor T3 patrol and suicide onto Horror/Hook Horror and kill it ? This way, I should’ve had to wait for one turn to kill Boulder. But I’m not sure this’d have changed anything much…

I thought long and hard about that, but it didn’t feel worth going down to 2 cards for (I have to trade Rook and Smoker, as I need the monk for unit cover. Otherwise Deteriorate + StW and I get totally blown up)

There’s going to be times I don’t draw that Boulder though… definitely seems like Rambasa is higher priority in that situation than I was placing.