[Tournament] eXperimental Codex Asynchronous Fall ~~Swiss~~ Round Robin (XCAFS19)

It does look like I and my opponent have the same decks two times in a row. I’m fine with that if @Taz is.

Oh, and the round number needs updating.

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I do not want to play with that Codex again.

In fact, after what happened last time (including when I got lectured, twice), I’m not particularly in the mood to be playing much at all at the moment. Sorry.

@charnel_mouse and @Taz if you two want to swap decks I’d be fine with that.

I just don’t want to do stable marriage problem solving before I post each round to minimize “repeat decking”. I’m not even sure if it’s possible to have zero repeats (it probably is?), but I know it would be a lot more work to do it (unless someone has a super easy solution for it. I’d be welcome to have someone else do the matchmaking and I just post and track stuff ^_^)

aaaaand I just realized I’m on the same deck lol… oh well, at least I have a game under my belt…?


Maybe there’s an obvious problem with this, but could you just cycle the decks across the players, and randomize which players are in each match? So, if you have players ABCD and decks 1234, then A would use 1, 2, 3, 4 in order, B would use 2, 3, 4, 1, and so on? That would guarantee each player only plays w/ each deck once (although, looking now at the two groups, maybe it locks in too much bias, because certain decks will only appear in certain groups? Maybe that’s solved by having the player order cross between groups?)


Eh, this is an experiment, and I’m happy frozen is putting in as much work as he is. That said swapping decks sounds like a good one off solution for Taz. But overall I think we just proceed and see how it plays out.


@Taz yeah I thought you might not want that deck again. If we swap, you’d be playing a pretty similar deck to the one you played against. If you’re up for that, let me know and I’ll redo the first turn. If not, that’s fine, maybe I could drag bolyarich out of the bye.

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There are maths papers for making balanced round robin tournament designs, but I can’t remember the specifics. I’ll see if I can find them again, for reference next time there’s a tournament like this.

The issue would be making sure that the deck pairings are balanced as well, and balancing which player/deck goes first.

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You’re certainly right that there’s plenty of maths around round robin, @charnel_mouse, but the tricky thing is this is an added wrinkle from just “round robin”: it’s pairing two round-robins for uniqueness.

Challonge did the standard “set up round robin” thing already for us, twice: one for the decks and one for the players. The problem with @vengefulpickle’s suggestion is it doesn’t do the decks justice in playing all the other decks in their pool, and there’s much potential for decks to play against the same decks multiple times the way Vengeful suggested of just rotating through.

I care more about the drivers than the cars here, so if people would prefer that tradeoff (decks play repeat matchups, rather than player playing the same deck in a new matchup to that deck) and someone wants to rig the spreadsheet I have up to do that easily, I am open to doing that instead (although it would mean ppl restarting their round two games here: CAFS19 Decks and Participants - Google Tabellen)

Alternatively if someone has a good idea for “how to pair each deck matchup to each player matchup” other than “run down the line decks 1-2-3-4 with players 5-6-7-8 each round” (which is what I’m currently doing, entering into that spreadsheet above) and it doesn’t involve too much mental gymnastics for me, I’m game to do that too.

Otherwise, though, I think we just play it as it lies and let the car-optimized version I already rigged up ride its way out.

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Yes, sorry, @FrozenStorm, I wasn’t clear. What I meant is maths for balancing a tournament around several factors at once. For physical games, for example, you could simultaneously balance players, courts, and referees, so that court-referee pairs are balanced too. Or does Challonge already do that? EDIT: Something to worry about next time, in any case.



You need to start the match

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Note to @EricF @Bryce_The_Rice @James and @Nopethebard, I messed up your week 2 matchups! Eric you should be playing bomber, and Nope should be playing James

I’ll fix it in the post above, and I’m never running this format again lol too complicated


I was about to complain about getting matched with Eric then remembered it’s round robin.

Still… Hate fighting that guy. He’s too good.


It’s cool man. But yeah, not running this format would probably be a good idea.

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would something like

“Every round after the first, you play with the deck submitted by your previous opponent.”

work for scheduling? You never play with your own deck, and as long as normal round-robin holds such that no-one plays the same person twice, you can’t play with or against the same deck twice, or be matched against your own deck.


I think the problem with that method, @Persephone, is that if you’re using groups for the round robin (as we are), you are mixing decks into the same pool as the players, which can leave you piloting a car you may want to have lose to keep your pool opponent from getting a win for it.

A modified version of it, though, where you pick a buddy in the opposite pool and do what you said, but with your buddy’s previous opponent, might work for next time!

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The buddy system needs the same number of players in each pool, though. I think it’s better to assign lots, with the player on bye not having a lot. So, when a player becomes the bye player, their lot transfers to the previous bye player.


@EricF What up, I’m back from camp. Did I miss the thread?


he’s been afk for a few days in round 1 match as well

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It’s interesting how many people are having casual rematches in this particular tournament. I guess experimenting with new decks really is quite fun!

That said:

Multicolour but
Without penalty is strong
White finesse is king.

Purple Peace and Red:
Tried and true combination
Future for stealing.