[Tournament] eXperimental Codex Asynchronous Fall 2024 (XCAFS24)

I have total faith in you @zango and didn’t even question that me and Bryce were both the same player as before :wink:

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I did, but then I saw what he wrote.

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good news everyone: @FrozenStorm joins us in this tournament! This required some fiddling around but with a short intermediate round where he plays two games in parallel we should be able to manage it. I decided to start this intermediate round before round 2 is completed such that he can directly start his first match of this round and then go into his second match as soon as his opponent is ready.

Round 3:

  1. [XCAFS24] Round3: P1 dwarddd :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 Steve44
  2. [XCAFS24] Round3: P1 FrozenStorm :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 zango
  3. [XCAFS24] Round3: P1 Unity :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 FrozenStorm
    bye: Bryce_The_Rice & thehug0naut

@dwarddd & @Unity : Please don’t feel stressed about this round starting. If you don’t mind you are obviously allowed to play two matches in parallel, but also everybody will understand if you prefer to finish the current round 2 before diving into this one.

Please rememberer that it’s P2’s responsibility to start the thread and also please do remember to post the rule changes somewhere at the beginning of the thread. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the matches!

I also want to highlight that we now have two judges that are participating in the tournament, so please feel free to tag either @Bryce_The_Rice or @FrozenStorm whenever you need a judge call.


I don’t fully understand what’s happening here with frozen’s joining but I’ll trust you know what you’re doing.


@Steve44 in a zero pressure way: id be happy to start the drafting here while my game with Unity wraps up, in case you were waiting on that

Happy New Year everyone, as the last game is about to wrap up I’d like to start the next round:

Round 4

  1. [XCAFS24] Round4: P1 FrozenStorm :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 thehug0naut
  2. [XCAFS24] Round4: P1 Steve44 :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 Bryce_The_Rice
  3. [XCAFS24] Round4: P1 Unity :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 zango
    bye: dwarddd

Please enjoy and remember to post the balance adjustments.


Thanks everyone for making this a relatively fast round, here comes

Round 5

  1. [XCAFS24] Round5: P1 thehug0naut :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 Unity
  2. [XCAFS24] Round5: P1 dwarddd :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 FrozenStorm
  3. [XCAFS24] Round5: P1 zango :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 Bryce_The_Rice
    bye: @Steve44

GL & HF everyone!

And a friendly reminder to @Unity @FrozenStorm & @Bryce_The_Rice that it’s P2’s responsibility to start the thread with their first draft choice.


And here we go with round 6:

  1. [XCAFS24] Round6: P1 Steve44 :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 FrozenStorm
  2. [XCAFS24] Round6: P1 Bryce_The_Rice :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 Unity (this match was played with switched P1/P2 and will count as a P1 win für the statistics)
  3. [XCAFS24] Round6: P1 dwarddd :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 thehug0naut
    bye: zango

GG & HF everyone

Also could please someone post something here as I’m forbidden to make four consecutive posts


Mmm, so far, 10/15 games won by P1! What’s the normal non-drafting ratio like in forum games?

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60/40 maybe?

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Very interesting question you asked there. I checked my googlesheets from the tournaments that I organized and was quite surprised about the actual high P2 win rates we sometimes had:

#P1 wins #P2 wins P1 win rate
XCAFS24* 9 6 60,00%
CAMS24 19 12 61,29%
XCAFS23** 19 22 46,34%
CAMS23 7 10 41,18%
CAWS22 9 12 42,86%
XCAPS22*** 6 21 22,22%

*ongoing current tournament, this includes all results until after round 5
**choose your opening split
***modification was that we started with our balance adjustments here


Wait did I mess up taking player 2 this round? I must’ve been tired when I made the thread…
Oh well it’s fine, I don’t care

Hm this really is unfortunate, but I think processing like this probably is the best way, even though this means an unbalanced P1/P2 ratio for the two of you…
I think you made the mistake and got punished by the p2-“disadvantage” and unity passed on without realizing the error and now it feels like too late for correction.
Any hard objections from anyone?

I also didn’t realize this mistake, sorry for that!

And here comes the final round of our round robin.
Currently three players are in a tied first place with having four victories and one loss each: @dwarddd @thehug0naut and myself.
Runner ups are @Steve44 and @FrozenStorm with three losses each.
As dwarddd is directly paired against me, only one of us is safe to proceed into the finals. thehug0naut: it’s in your own hand whether you’ll directly participate in the finals, but if you lose this match, you’ll have another chance with an elimination game against dwarddd or myself.

Round 7

  1. [XCAFS24] Round7: P1 zango :medal_sports: vs :knockdown: P2 dwarddd
  2. [XCAFS24] Round7: P1 thehug0naut vs P2 Steve44
  3. [XCAFS24] Round7: P1 FrozenStorm :knockdown: vs :medal_sports: P2 Bryce_The_Rice
    bye: Unity

As always: good luck everyone, I hope you enjoy your games.


@Steve44 & @Bryce_The_Rice please do start your match threads