Rules Questions thread

yes. this is the right interpretation.
The only way to use zane maxb more than once is maxb zane->origin story him (is not dead, so can be resummoned)->summon+max zane->rinse and repeat.
Ofc requires lots of gold and luck


There is another way. Max zane, do his ability, suicide him. Then use the blackhand resurrector.

Or use Nether Drain to lower his level without killing him.

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this would not allow to maxb again during the same turn tho


True, but it is an option. Still, unless a player uses one of these trickshot methods (or the game goes on long enough for a hero to die and reach max level again normally), a Max Level ability only activates once.

I wouldn’t say it’s uncommon for Zane. As a haste hero, he gets summoned pretty often, and his maxband usually activated if you can

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Fair enough. I phrased it that way to make it clear that he needs to reach max level again each time you want to use that ability, rather than something else like once per turn.


The unit will keep copying the thing it’s copying, and it will still be trashed when Quince or the thing it’s copying leaves.

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@sharpobject fair enough that is therefore how the game works. For my own understanding of why that is the game mechanics, is this an exception to make the game work better, or have I missed understood something in my own logic (see my post above)?

[details=not for Shax]This isn’t an exception, and the fact that I still haven’t provided the public with an implementation of the full rules or a document with the full rules makes this annoying to talk about.

Prynn has an ability on the card (“Leaves: Return all cards to play that Pasternaak trashed.”) that returns the stuff she trashed to play when she leaves play. She can lose the ability by levelling down or by losing all abilities, then die, and the stuff will stray trashed.

Quince’s ability is “Whenever a non-token unit of yours arrives, you may make one of your Mirrors an Illusion copy of it. Trash that token when Quince or its original leaves.” The first part of the ability says when it happens (“Whenever a non-token unit of yours arrives”) and the second part says what you may do (“make one of your Mirrors an Illusion copy of it. Trash that token when Quince or its original leaves.”). If you choose to use the ability, your Mirror becomes an Illusion copy of your unit and you create a delayed trigger that will happen later when Quince or the original unit leaves play. Once created, this delayed trigger cannot be prevented by removing Quince’s ability.

We might imagine a hypothetical version of Prynn that works more like Quince. She could say “Remove two time runes → Trash a unit. Return it to play when Pasternaak leaves play ◎”. (That’s all one ability, instead of the two abilities she has on her max band right now.) Then removing her abilities wouldn’t let you trash stuff permanently, because the stuff that she trashed isn’t relying on her to still have the ability later.

Hope this helps.

Edit: For another example, Vandy’s maxband works like Quince’s in this respect, not like Prynn’s. It’s hard to imagine the phrasing we would need to make it work like Prynn’s though![/details]


ty! that makes a lot of sense.

That is some enlightenment level of rule understanding.
Makes perfect sense.

This is a dumb question, but how exactly does the Tower’s once per turn detector work?

Let’s say he has a tower and units patrolling in Squad Leader and Scavenger, while I have two Invisible/Stealth units. If I understand Stealth correctly, I would have to attack his Squad Leader (the only legal target) with my first Stealth unit to “spend” his detector, and then my second Stealth unit could attack whatever he wants?

Yes, that’s how it works.The first attacking unit is detected by the tower, and has to obey normal attacking rules.


That is correct.

In practice, the tower works like this (when your opponent has one):
1a. All your units and heroes can’t use stealth or invisibility to bypass patrollers.
2. After a unit or hero with stealth or invisibility attacks, ignore (1a) for the rest of the turn, and activate (1b)
1b. Units with stealth or invisibility do not take damage from a tower


Can a hyperion suicide and draw itself back when the deck is empty ? Or will it be the only card in the discard ?

You resolve “Attacks:” triggers before resolving the actual attack, so a Hyperion will never be in the discard pile when its card draw happens.


That’s true unless another “Attacks:” trigger somehow could kill the Hyperion, in which case as the active player you could choose the order they are resolved in. I can’t think of anything that would do that though…

If your Hyperion has 5 damage on it, and is partnered via Two-Step with a Gilded Glaxx who has 6 -1/-1 runes, and you need to spend your last gold to attack Setsuki, attacking could cause your Hyperion to die before resolving its “Attacks:” trigger.


Hmmm, do we have a definitive breakdown of what the attacking sequence looks like? Does paying costs to attack happen at the same time as “Attacks:” triggers? I would have thought you need to pay costs before “Attacks:” triggers are put on the stack…